Chapter Four: It Happened Again

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      Chapter Four: It Happened Again

            My stomach was eating itself.

     I had barely gotten in two bites of my cheeseburger after Sabrina had stomped away after our wonderfully pleasant conversation because life had decided to be a bitch and make the bell ring. I got up and re-wrapped the cheeseburger, putting it into my handy miniature book bag. Look, I wasn't going to waste perfectly fine food, especially food that I paid for.

        I walked out of the cafeteria and headed to my next class, feeling hungry, lonely, and wishing I was someplace better.


         I stepped into my room, throwing my book bag onto the floor,  and jumped onto my bed. I pulled out my phone, scrolled through my  notifications and then placed my phone onto my bedside table. I rolled around on my bed, wondering what I should do with myself now.

         I stared up at the ceiling, considering whether I should do my homework now or later. I decided to do it later and reached into the drawer of my bedside table, pulling out my Poem Notebook. My PM was somewhat like a diary, but I didn't consider it to be one. I'd been using Poem Notebook's since the fourth grade to express my feelings and such. Feeling that no one knew I actually had.

            I flipped to one the next blank page and wrote "What the HELL am I doing here?" I closed my notebook and threw it onto the floor, deciding that I had written enough. I lay on my bed, allowing myself to drift into sleep.

                                           {The Dream of Belle Swan White}

                  Holy shit! What was happening? I was trapped in my own body and I couldn't move. I tried to open my lips to scream, but I couldn't move them. Was I dead? Was I dying? I tried to mentally move myself, looking for a way to shake myself out of my paralysis. What if I died right now? Who would even care?

                    I struggled, my soul fighting my body to move. Suddenly I was then finally was able to jerk my leg out and break out of my paralysis. I shot out of my bed, finally able to move.

                 I was sitting on my bed, breathing heavily. It had happened again, I had gotten stuck in my own body. Why was I plagued with this? Was my life not already bad enough? I had to live with the fear that this would happen again and that next time, I wouldn't be able to free myself. I knew that it was only sleep paralysis but it still scared the hell out of me.

               I grabbed my book bag, pulling out my textbooks and worksheets. Doing homework would somewhat take my mind off the horrible ordeal I had just been through. Before doing my homework I opened my Poem Notebook and wrote "It happened again."

I took a pill bottle out of my desk drawer and opened the cap to take one. I quickly put the bottle away and swallowed the pill with the glass of water I had on my desk.

               I sighed, began doing my homework and continued wishing I had someone to talk to.


Hola readers! I would like to say sorry for this crappy chapter! This was more of a filler chapter than anything else. The next chapter will actually have some action in it. Yay!

                     Ciao for now my narwhals!

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