Jason and Percy?

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What do you think about Jason and Percy's Bromance?
Annabeth: it needs to stop
Piper: I agree it's gotten a little out of hand
Annabeth: I know right when we were asked about who we would take to prom they considered going together!
Piper: I mean it was funny at first but now it's getting old!
Hazel: I don't mean to be rude but I think it's still kind of funny
Frank: it's annoying
Leo: Jason come on you like totally ditched me for Percy!
Grover: Percy ditched me too! Come on Percy I been your best friend since the sixth grade!! And you've known Jason for like three months!
Jason: I'm sorry guys I didn't know it was that bad. I mean Leo your awesome! I'm so sorry I ditched you.
Percy: Yeah Grover sorry. And Leo I'm sorry I stole Jason from you!
Grover: It's fine. Maybe we could all go get pizza now
Percy: Yes dude
Jason: Oh yeah bro!

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