Free time!!? {And Others}

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Fan_Fiction_Lover_22 to the Seven + Anyone Else: If you had 1 day of free time, no monsters or anything else like that, what would you do?
Annabeth: I would spend the day with Percy.
Leo: Same
Percy: What? You would spend the day with me?
Leo: No! Sorry I meant with Calypso
Percy: Oh well I would spend the day making Annabeth feel like a queen.
Jason: Same but for Pipes
Will: I would spend the day on technology.
Nico: I would sleep.
Percy: Sleep!? Really? On a day you could do anything, without monsters or gods getting in your way you would sleep?
Nico: Yeah, I might actually sleep soundly, no bad dreams or anything.
Percy: Wow maybe I would sleep too.
Annabeth: No way Seaweed brain, you are going to spend the day making me feel like a queen, as you stated before.
Piper: Spend my day at home with my dad.
Jason: But what about me?
Piper: You can make me feel like a queen any day, but I can't go to my dad's all that much, without monsters and stuff.
Jason: Fine what ever?
Hazel: I would spend the day exploring the east coast.
Frank: I would come with you Hazel.
Reyna: I would spend the day getting to know the other Roman campers
Coach Hedge: I would go buy some cupcakes.
Leo: I thought we were your cupcakes, why do you need more?
Coach Hedge: Real Cupcakes not you wimps.
Leo: Oh that makes more sense.
Chiron: I can't even imagine a hour without demigod stuff, much less a whole day.
Calypso: I would spend the day with Leo, exploring every place I haven't already explored.
Clarisse: I would go hunting with some friends.

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