You and Your Stats

334 7 4

A/N-Hey Guys derpyg123 and this like my first story like ever I will make a cameo(pretty sure that is how it is spelt)as a girl named Nova as you will be my aprentice(i plan on cameoing{???}in future stories as Nova)


Name:Caime(you may change it)

Hair:Long on left cut short on right dyed (favorite color-> here)

Eyes:one hazel one (eye color here or favorite if you already have hazel)

Clothes:Black Combats Black Leggings and Shirt and Cloak of your choice




Name:Did I not tell you in the A/N

Hair:Short,Shaved on one Side Cut Short on the Other

Eyes:Blind in one , Brown eye in good one

Clothes:Black Combats(twinsies)Short Ragged White Dress Blood Red Cloak                                                     

Age:126 (yes imma imooorrr imortal only falloutboy fans get the reference)


Sorry but these stats will come in handy later on this is all.

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