Once apon a time their was a newborn. Her father was a good shadow night and her mother a descendant of Lady Irene.At the age of 4 she was forced to watch as her father and her mother were to be executed for traitory of they're kinds at the chimes of twelve. As the little girl watched he fathers head be sliced open by a enchanted demon sword and her mother burned in a pit of lava. After words a Strange Lady came upto me and said"Child were those you parents,I can tell because you are sobbing the hardest...Wh-"she was cutt off by the screams of a guard now find the child we can not have an evil red knight running around"Come with me"the lady said. I decided to trust her and nodded she pulled me close to her body covered me with her cloak. I could not see but I could tell she threw a splash potion of invisibility on us and he started to run. Once we go far enough away from the town she let me out.
🌌Magical Flash Forward 15 Years Because Magic
Wait its my turn fine
ActionA mysterious figure busts Zane out of prison... But Why? When Garroth finds Zane where you are hiding him you tell him why you took him.... You end up Magical Voice:Wait don't spoil it for em! Me:fine