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Hyukjae's POV

When we arrived in the classroom, I thought to myself, a new environment again and I hope to encounter less idiotic people this time unlike in my middle school. I sat in the chair near the window but before I got to seat properly, someone called me "That's.My.Seat" A guy who is much taller than I am, who seemed everyone is afraid of. I checked his thoughts.

'If this idiot doesn't move, I will seriously throw him off the window'

Eeep scary even in his thoughts, 'no need to be violent, sheesh', I was about to walk to the other side of the room but before I could, the guy held my hand, he smirked at me and made eye contact.

'Your from the Lee family aren't you?? right? right? sorry for having violent thoughts my idiotic younger brother is just getting on my nerves earlier and in the first day of school...and if your asking if I can read thoughts, well I can, I'm probably from a far far family but my umma is a Lee so the ability is stuck'

I smiled, glad to find someone from a far family of Lee's. "the name's Cho Kyuhyun, I just thought we should talk already, people might think were some creep staring at each other, smiling as if we were making a stupid idiotic dramas shown in television" he laughed.

"I know right, those dramas are ughh save me from those" I said but before I can say a sentence, Sungmin pulled my shirt a bit, looking at me questioning. 'I'm lonely' Sungmin thought, I quickly gave a hug to my cutie bestfriend, "Kyuhyun this is my bestfriend Sungmin.." I introduced him, I saw him blush 'so cute like a bunny'.

'Don't you dare court Minnie, I don't want to end up a third wheel in my highschool life, thank you very much'. I said in my thoughts, sending a message.

'oh come on...I just said he's cute, court in the first day...what kind of idiot does that?' he said.

I pointed to the hunky guy in the front, flirting with half of the class...doesn't mind if a girl or boy for the sake of popularity. He rolled his eyes, "uhh yes of course Siwon, he was classmate in middle school and tried to get in my pants" he said as he rolled his eyes.

I laughed, "anyways, nice to meet you Sungmin... I'm from a far family member of Hyuk, that's why we got along so fast" Kyuhyun said to Min.

"ohh so you can read minds too?" he asked,

"he knows?" he asked me quite shocked. "yes, Min is quite an observer, I didn't tell him, he found out" I said chuckling remembering what happened.

"how??" he looked curious.

'I shouted in my head that Hyuk was an idiot, ugly and many insults and he reacted, looking at me with teary eyes saying I'm rude and a then I found out that he can really read it' Min said it in his head. Kyuhyun laughed after reading it, "of course who wouldn't react if your bestfriend did that...Hyuk must have thought that you're really mean" Min nodded.

"Okay Class! Sit now..." the teacher arrived, the three of us sat next to each other, the teacher introduced himself as a start and what to expect for the year but before he can finally start our very first lesson, someone opened the door a bit loudly making all of us look. It was that cute, handsome guy I saw earlier... he look kinda fierce with eyeliner and I think he's a troublemaker.

I checked his thoughts for a bit.

'Oh no...first day and I'm already late, my mom would scold me for sure, those kids really~ I'm just scaring them because they would get bullied out there and they dare to tell the teachers that I bullied them??'

I never expected that, he's actually nice.

'Lee Donghae, 1st yr highschool...he was my classmate in middle school, looks tough and all but his thoughts are completely the opposite' Kyuhyun said in his thoughts.

'but why act tough when your really not?' I asked.

'I don't know but don't you notice in our generation? opposite is the trend...people always say the opposite of what they think, except for us who can read minds' he said.

'I never saw him with anyone...he always have that fierce atittude on the outside but I don't know why though, all I know is that he really is nice and much more nicer than anyone else' I looked at him again and this time my eyes widen because he is going to sit beside the empty chair in front of me.

Should I try talking to him later? he's so fuckin handsome to be a loner here. I have decided, so after the teacher went out, I tapped him, he looked at me with curiousity but with a frown on his face?

"Oh god oh god oh god why is that handsome guy earlier tapping me!?!?! did I...did I do something? don't tell me he thinks I'm bullying those kids earlier!?!?!' he panicked in his thoughts, I find it cute though, he thinks I'm handsome? "Umm hi~ I'm Hyukjae...your Donghae right?" I said.

"uhuh so yes, what do you need?" he said in a cold voice.

'he knows my name?????????? did I even mention my name??? waaaaiiiit' I chuckled, "do you want to eat with us in the canteen? our next class will be 2 hrs later" I asked him.

'ughhh as much as I want to eat with them and finally have someone to talk to..I promised my mom to eat at the house, s-should I even invite him next time? wait...he..he's not my friend yet or anything he might think I'm being weird'

"um can't do that..I have someone to eat with.." he said, "your mom?" I asked. he stiffen for a bit, "No! why do you care who I eat with, leave me alone" he said harshly as he put his stuff in the bag.

'If they knew I eat with my parents, they would think I'm such a baby...I put eyeliner and wear something fashionable, speaking cool for everyone to think that I'm cool...not someone who sticks with his parents, who loves disney movies and collects nemo plush toys. I can't afford to get bullied again..I can't'

After he fixed his bag, he quickly left the room looking down. "I feel bad for him, I didn't know that.." Kyuhyun said, looking sad. "why what did he say in his thoughts?" Min asked, I explained to him and he had a frown on his face "he was probably bullied badly..I was too before but because of Hyuk, I get to avoid getting bullied because Hyuk scares them" Min said as he leaned on my side.

"what do you say? should we help him?" Kyuhyun asked, I looked at him and at Min...and nodded.

"Lets stop Donghae's lonely masquerade party".

A/N: Sorry it took that long xD

I made sure..I made it to 5k characters at least.

The next one would probably longer.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2016 ⏰

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