Introduction: Hyukjae

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*Italic sentences represents the thoughts, in all chapters

Author's POV

In the city of Seoul, Hyukjae lived with his grandparents after his parents died. He was taken care by his aunt, uncle, cousins and grandparents, when he turned 5 years old, his family taught him the importance of honesty, that a lie can destroy someone's trust, friendship and even love for a person. As a kid, he didn't follow it that much but as he grew a bit older, he kinda understand it and started to love the saying 'honesty is the best policy', there was also a reason why he didn't lie anymore.

His family would know always if he lied, even if it was a white lie. He didn't understand, how is it possible, when he tried controlling his facial expression and made sure he did eye contact but still they would know as if they have seen them do was indeed weird.

When he turned 10 years old, he found out that the work of most of his family members are fortune telling..of course, knowing that was weird because in this generation, are there still people who believes in that kind of stuff? but when he visited where his family do their work, he was actually shock that it was full packed of couples, wanting to know if they're really meant to be.

He asked around, the people who went there and they said, that the fortunes that were said always comes true, that his family does know if the couple are truthful and sincere about the other, and mostly all couples who was given a good fortune indeed lasted long and grew old together until their death. It was amazing, how could they do fortune telling that comes true!

And when finally, Hyukjae turned 12 years old he finally understood how their family did the fortune telling, because in his exact birthday...everything became noisy in Hyukjae's life. "W-What's that!?!? I'm hearing voices, am I turning crazy halmeoni??" Hyukjae said panickly as he looked around at his family, his eyes brimming with tears. "Isn't it too early? he should have the ability when he turns 18.." he heard his aunt said.

"I guess Hyuk is an early bloomer then" his cousin Yunho joked. "Hyukjae, your not turning crazy son, your ability have opened so early" his uncle said, Hyukjae looked confused at them, "our family Hyukjae, can all read minds ones they turn their legal age but I guess your are very unexpectedly early" his uncle added. Hyukjae wiped his tears then thought about what his uncle just said "so is that why you can do good fortune telling?" he asked, all of them nodded.

"but son, it doesn't mean you need to be a fortune teller you know, it's just we chose to have this work, so we would always be together as can choose what you want once you grow older" his halmeoni spoke this time. Hyukjae understood, so with the help everyone Hyukjae was taught how to use his ability; he can read many thoughts at a time but it gives him a huge headache, so he decided to just read two minds at a time, he learned how to stop the ability for awhile and many more.

He learned that long long ago, one of their ancestors was given an ability by a fairy and when the said ancestor finally had a child, the ability was passed until their very generation...they said that the Lee family was indeed a believer of supernatural creatures before and said have been kind to the fairies and those small creatures that have lived in their province before. It seems so unrealistic for Hyukjae but his ability wasn't a joke, it was hard to control before but now he finally learned.

6 years later

Hyukjae's POV

"Wakey wakey already cuz" Yunho shook me awake,

"aish ok ok" I said but still closed eyes.


"GAAAAAAAHH!!! Yunhoooo! Stop shouting in your thoughts, that is soo noisy in my head" I said and finally sat up, "good now go take a shower so we can finally go to school" he said with a smirk.

'Okay so yeah after 6 years of practicing my ability, I finally perfected it but whenever I'm sleepy or sick, my mind barier is just so weak and even though I don't want to I can sense thoughts that are nearby, so annoying'. after taking a bath, I went to school with Yunho, finally were now highschool students.

"Hyyuuuuk~" someone called me when I arrived in the school gate, it's my bestfriend Sungmin. We have been friends ever since I was 6 years old so yeah we always go to the same school. We were not the popular kind in school nor the bullied ones, I could say were pretty average as a student.

"So are you excited?!" he said jumpy,

"very~" I said with sarcastic tone,

"Oh come on...your so smart, you don't even have to effort unlike me, so you can enjoy highschool so much" Sungmin said.

'to be quite honest, I ain't smart...if it wasn't for this ability I won't even be in the top 20, well I don't cheat fully but just some though besides I'm not the only one cheating though; I can clearly see my cousin Heechul's thought and I think he just copied the whole thing from our honor student...poor honor student, he is tied with Heechul who didn't even do a single effort'.

And before we can enter the school, I saw a guy with an orange hair, eyeliner, that really is handsome. I felt my face turned red when I saw he looked at my direction but he had that fierce eyes making me shiver a little, I wonder who he is.


So this is for the first chapter...

take it easy on me, I plan to make the chapters long so expect this maybe an updated just once a week.

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