Everyone: Art is Everywhere

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And I want to remember you well.

Art is Everywhere

Katrina walks into her new apartment in Brooklyn, hand in hand with Harvey. The time that she spent lamenting the loss of her love was the time spent well to find herself. She travelled the world and saw what was to see, including what she once thought she lost: the ability to love someone else. And then there's Harvey, who accepted whatever fate planned for him right after his girlfriend died. Now six feet under, he still visits her sometimes when he misses her though he swears he's doing fine. He'll never forget her even after he met Kat while being stranded in an airport. The universe made them fortunate, Kat and Harvey. She holds him everytime he shakes at midnight and he kisses her forehead every sunset. He was good to her and she was good to him. They weren't perfect but they gave each other everything. The truth is, they saved themselves before they saved each other.

Elizabeth sat by the window in her apartment watching her new neighbors load their things upstairs. She never called him again, he never called her again. Maybe it was for the best to leave no message because that is a message itself. Sometimes she gets the urge to talk to him once again but she knew better. There are times, in the middle of the night, when she misses him but she'd rather work on things that need her than to actually want someone who wasn't brave enough to want her back.

Cas drinks a cup of coffee in the coffee shop where she first met Meg. She's been sleepless and equally loveless and social life-less. Her new interest of learning again took a bit more of her life and time. She's the next Natalie Portman, the media says. She chuckles at the idea. But she liked it, having ideas, learning than think about her ex girlfriend. They were fine, still are, and they will still be. She even met Michael once and did not have the heart tell him that she fucked his girlfriend that one time when she saw how Meg's eyes glimmered when she looked at him. She knew it was a relationship that doesn't need to be ruined. She opens her laptop mid-coffee, but she decides to close it right back when a gorgeous lady sits in front of her and asks for her number.

The court buzzed as a lawyer cleverly cross examines a sex offender. A father of two was then found guilty of raping a high school student from their local private school. Tears were seen from both sides of the court. The lawyer smiles proudly at his achievement of defending people that he's supposed to. Now that he can do something, a certain memory from the past flashed across his mind. His best friend and an 8 year old kid. He knew he's working on that now. It's been years now but he still has hope to fix the very thing that messed him up. A reporter blocked his path and asked him a question "Samwell Paddock, what inspired you to take such a difficult case?" He shooked his head knowing what the real reason was but he answered a different one instead.

When the robot went around the city, she saw everything: anger, despair, jealousy, hope, grief, lust, happiness, love. Life, itself, is a visual. Doesn't mean that people can't see it, it's not art. Art is everywhere. Everyone just needs to take a step back and look closer and even if they don't, they are forgiven. Sometimes the things that can help them are the small, forgotten miracles around them. The world will keep spinning no matter what, though. All endings might not be happy, but even the robot knows that there's different kinds of happy. Don't overlook them. We'll all get an ending.

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