Chapter 10

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Parkers pov
I was ready in 10 minutes so I sat down next to Lucy
Hey Luce I said
Hi she said
Why are you so existed to meet my friends I asked
Well I'm going to be here for 2 months so I need to make some friends to hang out with when I'm bored and your not free and this might be a good way to do that she replied
Ok I said
Why do you ask she asked
Just wondering I said putting my arm around her and she snuggled in and put her head on my shoulder I knew she loved this and I loved it to if theirs one thing I know about Lucy is that she gets cold really easy so i guess this warms her up as well
Guys lets go Liv said coming down the stairs
We got up as livs limo came up to the curb and we got into it
Wow Lucy said this picks you up every day
Yep ice cream Liv said while pulling 3 ice creams out of the mini fridge next to her
Wow  she said while taking one I took on to
Thanks Liv lucy said
I laughed
What she asked which made me laugh harder
What! She asked a little louder
Nothing I said and she softly shoved me
You to are so cutteeeee Liv squealed
You don't have to tell the whole world that Lucy said
The world should know because larker is the cutest thing ever Liv said
Larker?! Lucy asked
It's you new ship name Liv said
Your weird Lucy said
Your weirder Liv said
Ohh thanks Lucy said sounding like she took it like a complement I put my arm around her
I like her Liv said Lucy giggled 
We're here Liv said getting out the limo

Ok I need ideas badly so please give ideas thanks for reading
love ya all💕💖💘💗💕🐷🐸

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