Chapter 2

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Parker pov
Mum and I arrived at the air port we had 15 minutes until Lucy arrived and I could finally see her mum was making stupid conversation thinking I was worried pshhh I'm not worried that I will completely humiliate my self and Lucy will hate me
"Parker Parker mum looked at me Lucy's planes here"
Lucy's pov
I got my carry on and walked out of the plane and saw Parker
"Parker!!!!" I ran up to Parker and gave him a hug he gives back
"How have you been" he asked with the biggest smile on his face
"Great how about you" I replayed probably looking like a idiot with my smile" I hugged him again I missed you so much" I said still hugging him he was hugging me to
"Hi Mrs Rooney" I said
"Hi Lucy how are you" she said

"Good and you" I said
"Let's find your bag hon" Mrs Rooney replied
Parker and  I walked next to each other
We talk for a long time
MI'm glad im here you haven't changed a bit" I said
"Hey you want to pull a prank on Liv Maddie joey and dad when we get home" he said
"Yep you haven't changed a bit" I said we laughed
We got to the bag conveyer belt and got my light blue bags of Parker took the big one and I had the small one we talked the whole way to the car and we laughed the whole way to the car we got in and Parker and I were next to each other
Parker pov
We were in the car and mum said" I'm glad Parker has such a sweet friend he has lots of buddy's at karate but all of them except Evan have no manners at all" Lucy looks at me I was so embarrassed she giggles was I blushing dr p never blushes how am I going to introduce her to Reggie without him thinking she was my girl friend
"Parker" I hear Lucy's voice
"Hmmm "i mumble
"Subway or maccas "she says
"You choose" I say
"Subway" she said I was happy because I don't like maccas that much
"Good choice" I say
"lets go "mum said
She looked so happy we talked the whole way to sub way
We got out of the car and I got a text from Maddie
Maddie 🏀
"You better get me a ham and cheese sub "
I felt Lucy on my shower she is really light she was shorter than me so she was on her toes looking over my shoulder
"Is she nice? "She asked looking worried
"Yeah she's the best" I said and she started looking calmer
I think it only just hit her that she is staying in a house with strangers she only knows me mum and joey
"Hey everyone is really nice everyone does something you like I remember you like basketball Maddie loves that liv loves fashion and sinning you love both of those. joey loves? Joey loves I don't know what you and joey have I common" is say smiling she looks at me and smiles she gives me a hug and then we walk in we get all the subs and we get back in the car and drive home she is smiling so big you could mistake her for the cheesier cat from Alice in wonderland we get her bags out of the boot and walk in.

A Parker love story (liv and Maddie fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now