Chapter 2

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I walked through the gates and entering the luggage thingy, picked up my big ass bag and went around looking for Ella, then I found her standing with girls who's crying and wants pictures, signatures and hugs.

The last girl took forever but right when she's about to leave I pretended to be a fangirl
- OMG, you're Ella Henderson! Omg can I get a picture! Omg!

I hold my hands up to my mouth and pretend-cry when Ella looked up and opened her mouth as well.
- sweetie! You're here already? I was suppose to get you! You're here! She screamed and I just jumped into her arms
- Of course I'm here, I told you I would be here and I'm here! I whispered- cried

Ella surprised be with a mini limousine and champagne, it was so much fun. Meeting my best friend for the first time!

- so tell me, how was the tour? What celebrities did you get to meet? Did you meet Ed Sheeran like you wished? I'm asking to many questions at the same time again, aren't i? I shyly asked
- Yeah, she laughed
But it's alright, the tour was amazing! I got to meet Demi Lovato and Nick Jonas, Ed of course, Shawn Mendes- he's so talented it's unbelievable, little mix were there too, five seconds of summer, I didn't got to meet her but Beyoncé preformed one song then le... She couldn't continue the sentence because she was cut off- by me! Mohahahha (evil laughter)

- BEYONCÉ?! WAAAT? No way! And Shawn Mendes? He's so good! Did you know he got discovered on vine and YouTube? I smirked while clapping hands. She knows that I'm a YouTuber as well, but no one else knows who's behind the amazing videos I upload. My channel is called The Pecific, I upload one very likely two times every week. What it's about? Thoughts and different perspectives but mostly of the nature around me, I've got a little more than 9 million subscribers on my channel. I know it's a lot of people..

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