Chapter 4

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While I was in a complete fight in my head over two pair of shoes I got interrupted by someone knocking on my shoulder, I turned around and this gorgeous young man stood there
- yes?
- Are you going to buy any shoes or are you just going to stare at them? He asked and smiled
- I am going to buy A pair but i can't decide which one though
- Why just A pair, he laughed
- Have you seen these prizes? I can't even afford one for god sake! I'm leaving oh gosh
- I can lower the prize if you really want a pair, I mean if you REALLY want a pair, he smirked at me
I looked at a very beautiful pair of brown heaven shoes, they were calling my name and I couldn't resist them
- Could you... could you really lower the prize because that would of been amazing! I shouted and smiled
- Yea I can, but only if you agree on a date with me, he smiled
- Naaah, the shoe's not worth it, I smiled back and left the store

What did I expect? He would just lower the shoe prize without me giving him anything? Such an asshole.
Where's Ella? I called her cell

Ella: Hi sweetie, how's it going?
Me: such an asshole! Where are you?! I yelled
Ella: at H&M across then street, what's wrong honey?
Me: I'm coming, wait there! I was really upset about that jerk.

Why can't someone do something nice for a person without wanting something back? I mean I say thank you when someone hold the door open for me, no one say thank you when I hold the doors open for them.. YOU'RE WELCOME!

I walked across the street to Ella who has clothes all over her, typical.

- need help? I laughed
- i knew this would happen if you weren't here.. Stupid. And you're not mad anymore! She smiled
- Yeah you make me smile like an idiot, mostly because i can't even see your face but also because you're you, i said while helping her give the clothes to the cashier

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2016 ⏰

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