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Angelina was so consumed in her simultaneous worry and love for Jimin that she had somehow forgotten about her own struggles. That was the case until she woke up one morning with the familiar 'I couldn't think of anything worse than getting up' feeling.

Her mother was away, presumably on yet another business trip. Lina didn't even know of her whereabouts. Unsurprisingly, nor did she care; she was too used to being in the house alone.

Lina missed Jimin like hell. He had to have a doctor assigned to him so he could be closely monitored for a week straight, meaning she was unable to visit him. But, god, she really wanted to.

It got to the point where she missed his presence. She no longer cared about talking and laughing with him, she just wanted him to be there. Beside her.

And although her mind strongly protested against getting up, she forced herself to do so because she didn't want to arrive at therapy late again.

Wearing one of Jimin's old shirts was the only source of comfort she could manage to find. She didn't attempt to even brush her auburn hair as it was already too messy, nor did she add any makeup. It's safe to say that she wasn't too impressed when she was met with her reflection in the clouded bathroom mirror.

Going to therapy sessions was difficult enough, but Jimin's absence only worsened Lina's already-negative attitude towards them. The seat opposite her was empty, alongside the seat on her right where Namjoon used to sit. Subin had thankfully returned after what Lina learned to be a family holiday.

"Angelina, can I speak to you for a few moments?" Yejun asked and although Lina was confused, she nodded.

They stood outside of the room in the corridor, the other teens remaining in their chairs.

"I'm really worried about you," Yejun started. "What happened to your arms?"

Lina looked down to see faint, harsh yet tiny cuts scattered across her forearms. Instantly frowning at the sight, she brought her hand up to the marks and winced at the pain it caused.

"Did you do this to yourself, Angelina?" Yejun asked softly.

"I-I don't know." Lina stuttered, confused. She had never seen these marks before although they seemed relatively new.

"You can be honest with me, what's said here stays here."

"I'm being serious, Yejun. I have no idea where these are from."

"Okay, I believe you. Let's talk about this afterwards."

Nodding, Lina followed Yejun back into the room where everybody sat, confusedly glancing at the two. Without a word, Lina sat beside Subin who would inevitably quiz her afterwards.

Lina couldn't even listen to Yejun as he spoke. She was too preoccupied with trying to cover her marked arms instead.

She was absolutely baffled at how they had managed to make their way onto her arms. She wasn't stupid, of course. She knew that they had to be self inflicted -- unless a ghost had the ability to cut her with a knife during her sleep -- but she genuinely couldn't remember harming herself.

Her thoughts then turned to Jimin and the sight of him lying on the cold floor in a pool of his own blood. Goosebumps covered her skin at the mere thought, her eyes unconsciously clamping shut.

"Lina," she felt Subin prod her side using her finger. "What's wrong with you?"

She couldn't open her eyes. If she did, she might have seen Jimin lying lifelessly yet again. She couldn't bare to see it. Not again.

It didn't take long for the entire group to notice something was wrong with the now-shaking girl. Lina heard questions such as 'what's wrong?' and 'what's happening?' being asked but she simply could not respond.

It was only when she felt a strong grip shake her shoulders that her eyes snapped open, immediately being met with those belonging to Yoongi.

"Are you okay?" He asked slowly with concern in his eyes.

Lina nodded but everything surrounding her instantly began to turn blurry and disorientated. The only word she could muster before falling forward, limp into the blonde boy's arms was the name belonging to Park Jimin.

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