t w e n t y f i v e

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an; sorry for the lack of updates! i've had a severe case of writers block (literally the worst thing ever) and i started school again last week so i've been quite busy.

anyway, i feel as though i lost direction in this story just a little so i really want to start bringing it back to how it started, i hope that's okay!

four months later

It's been over half a year since I lasted visited this place. In a way I'm optimistic, which is strange considering I'm attending a therapy class, but I've missed my friends that I met here.

My eyes wander until they land on a familiar girl with unfamiliar hot pink hair.


She turns around instantly after hearing my call, a surprised expression taking over her features. In a matter of seconds she's directly in front of me and she's holding me in a tight embrace.

"Lina, I missed you so much!" Subin says, pulling away with her hands remaining on my shoulders.

Despite the shade of her hair, she really hasn't changed much. She's still wearing lots of eyeliner and even has the same grey contact lenses in her eyes.

"I missed you, too." I smile.

"Oh my goodness, you've changed! I love your hair," she compliments, holding a newly blonde strand between her fingertips. "I'm sorry for not keeping in touch more, I've been really busy with university and--"

"It's okay," I cut her off with a smile. "I understand, I've been busy too. Jimin and I moved in together last month."

I was discharged from the hospital just under four months ago after the nurses prescribed me with new medicine that surprisingly stopped my 'episodes' completely. Jimin, on the other hand, never really returned to the hospital because of his mother, but he continued to take his medicine anyway. Miraculously, they somewhat worked, and he hasn't showed even a sign of relapsing again since the last time.

He practically moved in with my mom and I after that. He slept in the spare bedroom -- or at least that's what my mom thought -- for a little over a month before he suggested that we bought an apartment. He's eighteen and I'm seventeen. We're young, but his suggestion just sounded so right that I couldn't say no. I miss living with my mom but we only moved a few blocks away from my old home. I visit her practically everyday.

Of course, there's still bad days, which is why we're both here. Overall, however, everything is great.

"Wow, really? That's great! Where is he, anyway? I feel like I haven't seen him in ages."

"He's meeting us here, he shouldn't be too long."

"Should we go inside?" She asks and I nod, feeling the low temperature beginning to take its toll on me. It's a bitter November day, winter is nearing and the ice is beginning to glace the pavements.

"Angelina, is that you?"

I turn to see Yejun standing further down the corridor. I nod as he walks towards Subin and I, a grin on his face that is sporting a newly grown beard.

"It's been so long!" He smiles. "It's nice to see you again, Lina. How are you?"

"I'm a lot better, thank you." I say honestly.

"I'd love to catch up with you for longer," he clears his throat, glancing at his watch. "But the session starts in three minutes, we should go."

The three of us begin to walk towards the room where the sessions are held, but a voice interrupts our movements.

"Lina, wait up!"

Jimin's smile is bright as he jogs towards us. He quickly leans down and kisses my cheek before greeting Subin and Yejun who I know he's missed.

"Sorry I'm a little late." He whispers, brushing his newly dyed blonde hair with his hands through the reflection of a passing window.

"It's okay." I say as we take our seats in the room that I used to spend an hour of every week in.

Most of the faces are familiar but there's a few new and unfamiliar ones, too. I smile at Jinwoo, Minseo and Jungkook who return the gesture. I wonder inside where Yoongi is, did he get better?

"Is everyone here?" Yejun asks, taking the seat that's located in the center.

"No, we're waiting for Namjoon." Subin responds and I turn to her, surprised. Namjoon was discharged from the hospital just after me but he left to attend university. I never knew he was back, I assume it's term break.

Jimin and I often meet up with Evan who still works at the hospital. I'm not sure if he's allowed to meet with previous patients but he does so anyway, he's our friend. Jackson is still in hospital but we visit him every few weeks. Apparently he made a new friend called Mark who keeps him company there.

"Sorry, everyone," Namjoon appears suddenly and rushes to his seat. His eyes scan over Jimin and I before he smiles. "Hello, strangers."

The session begins and I can't help but feel like I don't belong here. I only have a bad day about once every month, they're a lot less frequent. Suddenly Yejun's words no longer feel familiar and relatable to me, which I know is a good thing, it means I've gotten better.

"Lina," Yejun's voice draws me back to reality and pulls me away from my daze. "How do you feel today?"

The small smile on his face indicates to me that he already knows the answer.

"Good," I smile, feeling Jimin reach for my hand behind the chair. "Happy."

an; i swear i'm not crying hahahahahhahahaahhahaahhaahhaahahhhhhaah


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