its part one by one..

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The path lay deserted
The life shattered and hurt
A pinch of hope squashed and strangled
Has found a person walking
On the path almost forgotten
Towards the unfamiliar dwelling cherished morning of peppermint winter
Was admired and praised by the trespasser....
He brought in the hope,he healed the life
With an unknown magical glitter

The hollow heart that broke like Shell
Whose outer case was brittle
Was joined with love,care and hope
By this man whose heart was soft and gentle.....

This man unknown to himself
Walked in the path forever deserted
Bringing in hope and meaning to life
And making the heart love itself

He was a criminal,a trespasser
An intruder in a forgotten trail
His crime was love,his punishment was jail..
But with a heart so warm,kind and gentle
He was symbolized as the statue of hope raiser...

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