foxy x reader

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You and Foxy were napping in the security room and although it wasn't the besti place to lay down, but you could manage with it. Just as you were about to get up, heh put his arms around your waist. Anyway foxy was peacefully " is Foxy having a nightmare?". He was probably dreaming of the bite of 87. ' poor boy it wasn't his faught'

He sat up in a panic. His golden eyes were wide with fear, he looked at his surroundings and was relieved to see he was still in security room. "T'was nothin' but a dream." He looked down at your still form and gasped, in his delusional state he thought you were the same young girl that he bit in the bite of 87 . He could see the blood pouring out of your head when in reality it was just a trick of not enough light, the shadows were making. "No, this can't be happening"

You had fully woken up when you felt the warmth go cold, you rubbed your eyes and sat up. "Foxy what's wrong?" You got up and walked around the security room looking for Foxy, you didn't have to worry about hitting anything cuz your eyes got used to the dark. You startec walking around the office , you saw someone in the left coner, you cautiously approached the figure. "Foxy whats wrong?" He didn't acknowledge you there, he just kept mumbling to himself.

You managed to understand what he was saying, "I'm sorry (y/n)......I-I'm sorry i did mean it I'm so sorry" You reached out to him, "Foxy tell me whats wrong?" The moment you touched him, he started screamed. You had to cover your ears at the high pitched screech. You grabbed Foxy by the shoulders and started shook him, "Foxy calm the fuck down!" His eyes glowed a bright red and his voice changed, "WhY MuSt YoU hUrT Me!?" He pushed you away with his sharp hand and you fell to the floor, luckily you weren't bleeding his hook only cut your shirt wide open.( da boobs >:) ) Foxy's eyes returned to their warm golden color, his programming switched back to normal. "W-What happened?" He looked down at you, "(y/n)?" He carefully knelt down next to you and turned you over, he gasped as he saw the huge rip in your shirt. "Did I do this?"

You opened your eyes to see Foxy at your side, "Foxy are you ok." He said nothing, he just got up and leaned against the wall. You were concerned and went to his side, "What's wrong?" He didn't look at you, "Leave me be lass, I'm nothin' but a monster to ya." You tilted his face up so he was looking at you, "No your not." He turned his back on you, "Yes I am. I lost control and almost hurt ya, I'm nothin' but a monster." You turned him around, "Foxy, its not your fault."

"But what if one day I lose control and hurt ya again, just like back in 87, i dont wanna hurt you (y/n)." You knew what was happening. Foxy's felt so guilty about the whole incident, if he were able to he would be crying right now. "That was in the past Foxy, you need to let it go. I know you Foxy and you would never hurt me." You reached up and flipped his eye patch over his right eye, "You aren't a monster to me, your still the same Foxy I fell in love with." He tilted his head, "Really?" You rubbed his muzzle affectionately, "Yes." You leaned in and kissed his cold metal cheek. He carefully wrapped his arms around you and held you close to himself, his fur was tickling your exposed skin. "I'm so lucky to have ye in me life."

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