The Reds....

16 2 1

The bell rang loudly making her jump, and she was out of her seat. Fluidly she rose and was out the door before anyone else was out the door. A sense of freedom spread across the college. Ellie Susan,

At the age of 17, Ellie was a beauty. She wasn't a "wanna-be—barbie" type beauty instead she was a natural, wild spirit beauty. She didn't only have good looks but as well as a cocky bitch attitude. With the perfect height of 5.6 this bitch easily got heads turning to her, with her sparkling brown eyes filled with mischief, natural blush and a seductive smile. Her dark brown hair with a hint of gold was braided in her usual messy style. Ellie was gorgeous with prominent curves at the proper places, she was a ravishing beauty and this was something she knew and used to her benefit. She considered her college to be her personal hell on earth. Swiftly making her way to her locker to dump her books, she ran into none other than Stacey Adams, her long time best friend. Stacey was a spoiled brat. Pretty as well with flawless, dark brown-green eyes which were lined with black liner. Stacey and Ellie were best friends both sharp-tongued, carefree, spoiled bitches, together they were the queens of their own kingdoms. Together they could create a storm within the male community just by their seductive way of swaying of their hips. They were a force to be reckoned with.

Ellie and Stacey quietly made their way to their required destination, the footpath. They were walking with an angels grace when out of the blue moon; Ellie punched Stacey on the shoulder.

"What the hell?" Exclaimed Stacey (already thinking of a way to get even)

"I just hate this institution....if it wasn't for your tiny whiny ass we would never be here!" She bit out.

"Hey mind it lady my ass is not small...your lucky that you are my best friend or else..." (in her mind cruelly tortures ellie for calling her beloved ass small)

"Weren't you the one bragging about the concerts held here......Are you even sure that they know what fun means?"

"Huh... Something about no concerts being held in 2015 was written but who cares? No one ever reads that end of the page important passages! " Stacey replied defensively

Ellie listened in an impassive silence and finally in a dead voice replied "Stacey Adams you have officially ruined our freshmen year. Kudos for the idiot".

"Whoa! Girl hold your horses ..... It isn't a total waste as long as we stick together; we will survive this hellhole and its demonic bitches."

"Still we would have been better off with the rest of the crew; you know to have them cover our backs..."

(They head out to the parking lot and buy two double chocolate ice cream while waiting for their bus,)

My freshman had a great start but soon all things went bad, somehow they ended up being the target of the playboys. My college wasn't co but it didn't keep the boys away, half of the male population lurked near the collage like brainless zombies staring at any girl passing by as if they haven't seen a girl before, they didn't even spared the ugly ones. I am not trying to brag about how beautiful I am, sure being a burrenate, five feet tall and curvious is beautiful but it invites unwanted attention

"Earth to Ellie...Respond... return back to earth..."

"What the Hell? Stacey!"

"'re the one who zoned out... I was just saying that one of the playboy is tailing us and the bus is nowhere in sight."

" far away is he and which one?"

"Mitch Colton ten feet."

"Stupid, worthless, use less, human waste."(Mitch is a pure asshole .Not rich but great looks. Not a day when he doesn't follow us.....well with great hotness comes heavy responsibility.)

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2016 ⏰

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