The Dark Side to Facebook: Maria

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I am so sorry I have not uploaded for a while! I had some moments when i was going to give up on this story because like when people comment on your story with a plain nasty comment like "Couldn't read this it has terrible grammar..." that really bothered me because when somebody puts so much effort into something and you say that its nasty, don't say anything if you are not going to be nice! Although to all the fans who comment with nice questioning comments "I LOVE YOU GUYS!" haha because you are the people who make a writer carry on with your enthusiasm, anyways enough with my rant I hope you enjoy this, its pretty much about Simon and his family.



“I wonder how your family are going to feel when they find you dead Simon.” I ask whilst sitting him up against the wall, his flesh is rotting into a darkening pale as his body rots from his failing organs. His eyes are closed; I do have some respect for the dead.

It must be early hours in the morning because the sun is seeping through the curtains in our bedroom, Lucy will be so proud with me she is watching from above looking down with a smile. Today is going to be a beautiful day I just know it, with a sigh I return my gaze back to the dead corpse in front of me. Stupid Simon, you have now broken your family’s hearts; rot in hell.

I lean over my bed towards my suit case pulling out my sharpest knife, its shimmers against the light as I bring it towards his torso, the knife slices through his dead skin like butter; dark blood slowly trickles out, without a heart beat the blood cannot retreat so fast anymore, slowly as possible I pull the knife up so that it slices from the bottom of his torso to the bottom of his throat. I feel calm, almost at peace; I smile because another part to Lucy’s puzzle is now in place.

With a pair of dark gloves on both hands I pull the skin open so that his flesh and organs stare back at me, the knife had already sliced the rib cage though. With the knife in my left hand I precisely cut around his lungs which are smothered in dark liquid, I lean forward pulling the lungs from his dead body, I look up towards him.

“Is it alright if I use these? I think Lucy would have liked them…” I trailed of looking at his lifeless face, I chuckled lightly at his expression; he looked like his face was covered in pity and sorrow, such an ignorant man.

I decided I’ll play along, he wouldn’t mind.

“Oh. Alright don’t answer; I will take that as a yes.” Once again, a chuckle escapes my mouth. I bet he is scared and alone in hell right now paying for his sins. He wouldn’t make it to heaven, heaven was only worthy of Lucy.

Quickly my hands moved the unattached Lungs over to the place which I was keeping the arms, they looked slightly dark and rotted; I need to hurry before it is too late. The lungs are now placed side by side with the arms, with one more glance at them I walked back towards his body. With my gloves still on I picked up the knife which now shimmered with a coat of blood and pulled it towards the other organs in his chest pulling out his liver, kidney and intestines.

His chest looked bare as he no longer held any organs although his heart still hung inside him; pointless and empty. After death blood pooled around his body, the blood no longer had a purpose once the heart no longer beat in his chest.

“My friend Simon, I am sorry” I mocked standing up from his body snickering. I froze as three taps knocked against my door.

“One moment!” I called as in one swift moment I pulled a cover over his body then ran into the bathroom to clean the dried blood from my hands, luckily I was careful enough to make sure that no blood stained my shirt, my reflection stared back at me; I smiled.

“Hello Lucas.” The voice spoke in a rush as I opened the door, their stood Maria; Lucas’s wife. Her face is plastered with panic and worry as she stood with her night gown on.

“Ah, dear Maria. How can I help?” I ask holding back my smirk.

“Lucas, you have to help please. I cannot find Simon, he went to walk Charlie but only Charlie came home.” A tear fell across her cheek as she spoke, I smiled at least Charlie was loyal enough to return home to them, in a flash I changed my expression to worry.

“I am so sorry Maria to hear that.” My hand placed on her shoulder as more tears fell across her face.

“Could you do me a favour Lucas?” She asked looking me straight into the eyes, I nodded not needing to be a suspect.

“Sure anything Maria, you are my dear friend aren’t you.” I spoke with sheer worry, her face didn’t notice anything, her eyes are blood shot and red from crying.

“Could you take the children to school, I need to wait for the police to come. Lucas I know Simon he would have come home and Charlie came home alone. I know something bad has happened.” She whimpered as I nodded pulling the door shut behind me, following her towards her apartment.

“Anything Maria, anything you need just ask me.” I wrapped my arms around her hugging her, she shook her head in sobs. I smirked she didn’t notice a thing.

“Mark? Stacy? Come here please!” She called into her home, although her voice is broken and chocked. This is how it feels Maria- I thought to myself as I studied her expressions. Moments later her children exited through the door looking at me a frowning, I growled slightly as my strong dislike to children rumbling inside of me.

“Mark, Stacy you remember Lucas?” She spoke looking at them with her eye brow raised.

“Mum, Dad said that he is… unstable.” Stacy whispered looking up and down at me. Another low chuckle pass through my mouth, how could an eleven year old understand the word unstable. Once again I laughed; she will understand soon.

“Stacy, Lucas is helping us don’t be rude.” She spoke, although her eyes bored into me trying to find any trace of unstable within me, I gave her a sad smile and in return she smiled back with sadness.

“Mum, where is Dad?” Mark asked glaring at his Mum with confusion which caused Maria to once again let out a trail of sobs making both Mark and Stacy panic.

“Mum? Mum, what’s happened?” Stacy asked looking between both me and Maria, although when her glare fell upon me I could feel the suspicions with held in her expression.

“I don’t know, I just don’t know.” She whimpered covering her face with her hands, with a sigh I spoke up to end the awkward atmosphere which hovered like a rain cloud above us.

“Alright Kido’s time to get going, I think your Mum needs some space.” I said rubbing her shoulder then thinking ‘Don’t waste your time crying, because when you do see his body which has literally fallen apart you will cry.’ I chuckled at my joke, Lucy would have laughed too. I know she would have. When I looked up all three of them glared at me with worry and questioning, I shook my head and signalled her children to follow.

They both grumbled behind me as we left the apartment.

How would they feel when they find out their father is dead and that their mother is now a widower? How will they all feel when the image of their fathers dead open corpse lay on their living room floor? Will they fall apart? Would their mother move on to another man, she didn’t love him as there was no spark in her eyes; the spark with always glittered in Lucy’s eyes. I smiled when her eyes popped up in my mind.

“So kid’s do you have Facebook?” I asked over my shoulder waiting for a response.


Was it sick enough?

Muahaha did you like my discription of taking Simon apart?

This is a draft which I didnt read over, I am so busy at the moment. No more high school, I start college in one week O.o

Leave me a nice comment pleaseee!

The more votes and comments I get the faster I upload, because I am evil like that :P


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