Before you starve

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Reasons not to starve

1. You'll be hungry all the time.

2. You could be doing permanent damage to your body. You could potentially become infurtile man or women.

3.Awkward questions you will have to answer such as ''Why aren't you eating?"

4.You will get moody and emotional and push everyone away.

5. Causes anxiety and it may not seem bad but anxiety affects you a me its not pleasant.

6.Your grades will suffer. You will not be able to concentrate and this affects the future and will draw attention to yourself.

7.Starvation mode. you will start off probably start off putting on weight before loosing any.

8. there are other healthy ways to loose weight, that are just as effective.

9. You will always be cold, so if you think you can get that perfect body to wear that bikini (sorry guys) nope. Not going to happen because you will always be cold and getting in a bikini and swimming in water you will NOT want to do

10. Can be fatal. 20% of people with anorexia WILL die, I sadly knew one.

11.You will ache always

12. You will have NO energy to do anything.

13. You will look terrible and pale. Like a skeleton

14.Your hair will most likely fall out.

15. Your skin will be brittle and dry.

16. Your body will have problems for the rest of your life, mentally and physically.

17. Your family will go through a lot as well as just you. Of course it's not all about them but you'll be putting them through a lot just as you are putting yourself through a lot.

18.You ARE beautiful no matter what people think. People bully because they are jealous. You are beautiful whether you are skinny, 'normal', or a bit bigger than everyone else. Other wise why are you here. Nothing on this planet is ugly or 'fat' except maybe...slugs...yuck :) But anytime anyone bullies you or you think of starving just remember this.

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