Self harm

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I'm going to start with reasons why not to self harm, because i know the most about this as I have done it myself.

1. Scars scars scars scars scars scars SCARS!!! I cannot stress that enough!!!!!!! Even if the cuts were shallow, they will STILL SCAR!!! Trust me, I know. I can't walk down the streets, in short sleeves without at least one dirty look, from someone.

2. Loneliness- Self harm is extremely lonely. You will find yourself pushing away people you love, to try and hide your dirty secret.

3.You could  cut too deep- which means death, even if you didn't want to die

4.Blood- Cuts can potentially open and leave blood on duvets and clothes, they also cause pain and draw attention to you.

5. Future- You can stop relationships from forming and they could have changed your life for the better

6. questions- People will always question you. "What are those marks on your arm?'' "Why is there blood on your clothes''

7.Jobs- Certain jobs, will not accept you, such as the army, because it is a sign of a mental illness and they don't want a relapse on their hands.

8.There are better ways- relieve your hate and anger in a way that's not going to leave WILL be worth it in the long run.

9. addiction- No matter what way you look at it, it is addictive! One little cut or burn can turn into thousands NO EXAGERATION!!!

10. Not just cutting- Self harm is not just cutting. i t can be hitting, scratching, burning and hundreds of other things. As long as you are harming yourself it is self harm!

11. Bullying- People may bully you because of the scars or cuts on your arm. Emo, Attention whore, freak, are just a few. Trust me this will happen.

12. You are beautiful- No matter what other people or you think you are beautiful, in your own way, no matter what. Love yourself.

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