When you have a lazy day part 1

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You walked outside and yawned loudly. It was 7 in the morning and the sun started to peak over the horizon. You smiled and sat on the porch. Goku was sleeping like a rock and you could still hear his snoring. You pulled your knees up to your chest and a slight breeze blew your hair gently. Birds chirped and flew around. You shut your eyes and enjoyed the quiet. You knew that this peace could be interrupted by some bad guy bent on world domination. You shut slowly opened your eyes and smiled. You never realized that the loud snoring stopped. Goku smiled and walked behind you, giving you a hug. "Hey (Y/N) why are you up so early?" You smiled wider and leaned back against his chest. "Because it's so peaceful out here. It's very relaxing." He nodded and held you. "This reminds me of when I was little, back when Grandpa and I lived alone. Back when I didn't have to worry. It was so relaxing." You turned back towards Goku and kissed his nose. He flashed a large happy smile and hugged you. " I love you (Y/N)" you smiled and hugged back. "I love you too Goku." You yawned and he pulled back. " Can we just relax all day? No training?" You asked and he nodded. "Just for today." He kissed your head and held you close. You shut your eyes and listened to his heart. Your smile never left as you both sat there, enjoying each other's company.


You woke up with the prince in bed. You smiled and cuddled into his chest. He grunted in his sleep and Held you close. You watched him silently, not wanting to wake the grumpy man. You watched his relaxed face as he slept. He looked so peaceful, like nothing ever happened to him. You gently kissed his cheek and looked down at his bare chest. It was covered in scars ranging from big to small. Thin to thick. You thought of all of the fights and struggles he had throughout his life. "What are you doing?" The man said groggily. His voice deep and rough from waking up. You looked back up at his face and smiled. "I was admiring you, My prince" He gave a small smile and nodded. "Why must you be so sweet." He pulled you close and yawned. He kissed your head and started getting up. You growled and pulled him back to you. "No...stay with me okay?" You cuddled his chest and smiled wide. He grunted in annoyance but then looked at your face. He slowly smiled and held you. "Fine....but only for my princess." You smiled wider and yawned. "Yay..." You started to doze off. Vegeta smiled and held you close. "No one will ever take you from me."


You smiled and laid on the couch by yourself. You were watching fail army and giggling like a fool. Krillin walked inside of the house and smiled. "Hey there beautiful." You giggled again and sat up, seeing the bald man. "Hey shortie, what's up?" You opened your arms wide for a hug. "Nothing much sweetie. I just thought I would come and hang out with you." He walked over and laid on you. He snuggled into your chest and you laughed. "Don't act like Grandpa." He smiled with a dark blush on his face. You giggled and kissed his head. "I love you krillin." He smiled and kissed your lips. "I love you too (Y/N)." You held him and went back to watching the tv. Krillin yawned and slowly shut his eyes. He was listening to the sound of your heart and it was making him fall asleep. You noticed it and started rubbing his back. He hummed happily and smiled. His heart felt like it was going to explode. He yawned and snuggled you again. You rolled your eyes and let him be as he finally fella sleep.


Yamcha was sitting outside under a tree while holding an apple. He sat with his eyes shut as he ate the fruit. He really didn't want to do much today so he settled for relaxing. You were still sleeping and he didn't really want to wake you. He laid down and smiled. "hey bandit...." He opened his eyes to see you standing above him. You smiled lazily and yawned. "Morning sleeping beauty." You giggled and laid next to him. "What's up Babe?" You yawned again and climbed on top of him. "I wanted you. You weren't inside." he chuckled and held you close. "Sorry." You smiled and kissed him. "It's okay...I wanna cuddle." He held you and rubbed your back. "Well I'm here now." You nodded lazily and fell back asleep. He chuckled and shut his eyes. He never felt so happy and content.


You woke up and smiled. A lavender haired man laid right beside you. You don't remember what all happened and you really didn't care. You weren't nude but you felt complete. The mans strong arms held you close. Your heart beat fast and hard inside of your chest. You gently moved a strand of purple hair put of his face and tucked it behind his ear. You giggled and then kissed his nose. His eyes slowly opened and he smirked. "You missed." His voice was deep and sexy, making you blush. "Whatcha mean?" You asked and he smiled. "You kissed my nose, not my lips." You rolled your eyes and kissed him. He kissed back passionately and held you. You pulled away as he started kissing down your neck. "Trunks..." You blushed darker as he nibbled the tender flesh. "What?" He smirked and looked up at you. Your blush worsened and you smiled. "I love you." He ran a hand through his hair, making it messy. "I know, now let me show you how much I love you." He smirked and kissed you again.


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