When he reads your diary

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Goku was up wondering around the house. You had left to go get some groceries for dinner tonight. He sighed and walked into the bedroom you shared. He sat on the bed and thought for a while. He looked around until his eyes landed on a book with your name on the front. He soon became curious and slowly grabbed the book. He opened it and started reading. He didn't know that he was reading your diary. He thought it was a very detailed story about a girl going through life. He then got to the day when you met him at the hospital and the party you went too. He blushed dark and continued to read. It described how handsome he was and how kind too. It went on and on about how he was handsome and almost god like. He laughed when he saw little doodles of you and him in the corners of the pages. He smiled and read until the blank pages started to appear. He smirked and grabbed a pen before writing "I found your diary, it's super cute like you. I love you (Yn)" he smiled and placed it back where he found it so you wouldn't know. He didn't really know how to show it, but he felt like a fangirl who read her first fanfiction. He laid on the bed with the worlds biggest son smile on his face. He knew no one was home so he let out a loud squeal. He continued this until he ran out of breath. "God I love her" Goku said with a smile before rolling over and falling asleep.


It's no secret that the Prince of all saiyans is kind of nosy. You always found him looking rough old notebooks, your phone, computer, and many other things. Today you had to go on a small trip to the city to go get some clothes. He stayed at home and the second you left, he became nosy again. He quickly went into your bedroom and started snooping. He started looking around and found what he wanted. A book with gold lettering on the front spelling "diary". He quickly sat on the bed and started to read. He smiled as you talked about drama that had been happening at the time. He looked through all of the stories you made, the secrets you kept, even little bought a about him. He chuckled as you talked about him, the crush that slowly developed and wondering if he liked you back. He continued to read until he saw blank pages. He shook his head and put the book back where he found it. "Damn she's so ducking complex..." He smiled before getting up and running out the door to go get you your favorite food.


"Hey Krillin I gotta go to the store. I'll be back later to make you dinner." You kissed his head and ran out the door with your purse in hand. He yelled a goodbye and laid on the couch. He stayed this way while watching the tv until he got bored. He sighed and got up to find something to entertain him. He went into your room. He looked around and saw a book. He quickly grabbed it and sat on your bed. He opened the book and saw drawings all over. Little pictures of weapons,fighters, and some of the moves that Roshi taught you. His eyes widened as he read all of the facts, tips, and tricks. He turned many pages till he saw the drawings of him. All of the fighting poses and all of the little girly things. He smiled and chuckled as he noticed all of this stuff. "she is the one. I know it..." He smiled and continued to look at all of the drawings of him tell you came home and hit him upside the head with a shoe.


Yamcha had woke up early one morning. You still asleep in his arms,he carefully got out of the bed and went to the living room. He sighed and sat on the couch,he was conflicted. He did love you a whole lot but he thought you could do better. He sighed and ran his hands through his hair. "Fuck what do I do..." He sighed and laid on his back. He pulled his hair and groaned. "Fuck" he said again and turned his head only to see a book. His eyes widened as he saw the shining cover and he slowly sat up. He grabbed the book slowly and opened it. He quickly noticed the journal entries and blushed dark. They were mostly about him and your past. He noticed that you suffered from depression and occasionally considered suicide, until you met him. He smiled wide as you described him in your own words. You called him everything from dashingly handsome to the cutest moron you've ever seen. He blushed as you wrote about your fantasies about the man you had grown to love. He chuckled and read on and on until the blank pages met his eyes. He sighed and placed the book back where it originally sat. He knew that he loved you more than you knew.

Trunks was bored. Simple as that. You were away on a time patrol mission to help fix another distortion in the time scrolls. He sighed and shut his eyes. He was tired of waiting for you because it was going to be a while. "Fuck it I might as well do something." He got up and went to your house. He walked inside and looked around. He sighed and looked in the fridge. He shook his head and grabbed some frozen pizzas. He threw them in the oven and walked around. He opened one of the closets and found some games. He grabbed a box of cards and something fell on the ground causing him to let out a high pitched girly scream. He blushed dark and huffed when he realized what fell. He picked up the object and examined it. "A diary?" He looked around and took it to the dining table. He shook his head and then opened it. "I didn't expect (yn) to have one of these..." He started reading and noticed that it wasn't really like a normal one. It was filled with combat tactics and special moves. It was filled with little entries about who you've trained with. He was shocked to see all of the stuff you knew. He continued to read and slowly saw little doodles and tidbits about him. He chuckled and smiled like a dork. The timer went off on the oven telling him that the pizzas were done. He jumped and yelped again. "Fuckin hell..." He quickly put the book back in the closet and grabbed the pizzas. He smiled now knowing that you wrote about him.


You smiled and looked at Gohan. "Gohan can you watch the house while I go get groceries?" He looked up from his book and smiled. "Yeah of coarse I can! Can you get me some food though?" He asked while tilted his head to the Side. You nodded and sprinted out the door. "Okay I love you!" He chuckled and went back to reading. Several minutes later, he finished his book. "Crapbaskets..." He sighed and stood up. He decided to find another book that was on the shelf. He walked over and placed the book in its original spot. He shut his eyes and ran his fingers over the spines of the many books. He did this when he didn't know what to pick. He stopped on one and pulled it out. He opened his eyes an examined it. "Well his one looks new..." He smiled and went back to the table. He opened the book and read the first few blank pages. He then gasped when he saw your writing and your doodles inside. "Fuck...it's her diary" he continued to read it and soon found out that you were quite funny. Lots of little jokes and stories were inside. It even told the most embarrassing moment in your life.

"Dear diary
I had to go to a friends birthday party today, it was in the park but I had to go home early. I ended up getting really sick but tried to hide it. I laughed and played but...when I went down the slide...I had an accident. I must've not been paying attention and when I turned around, a long brown streak came from the top to the bottom. I think everyone hates me now and they don't even want to be my friends anymore. Oh well I couldn't help it!"


You were asleep in your bedroom. You weren't feeling too good so he made you stay in bed all day. He really didn't want to leave you alone knowing that you were sick so he decided to clean up a bit. He picked up small bits of trash and threw it away, he washed your clothes....well...he more like washed them via clothes beam. He even started putting books back where they belonged, one of those books was your diary. He opened it and shook his head. He read the first sentence and laughed.

"Dear diary, I have some very bad shits right now...."

Android 17

Android 17 was always wanting to know more about you. He would often look through your old books and ask you questions. You never minded this much as you have told him time and time again that you were an open book. You would answer his questions with a smile on your face. You were out on a shopping trip with 18 so he decided to be a nosy butt nugget. He searched through your belongings until he found a small book covered in stickers with the typical lettering on the front spelling 'diary'. He walked over to your bed and read it silently. It described your life with your family, all of the pain and sadness. He sighed and flipped the page only to find the date he met you. On the other side was song lyrics to 'Lost boy' by Ruth B. He smiled and read the lyrics to himself. He continued to read it while humming to himself. Little doodles of him littered the pages and he chuckled. "She's a dork" he said out loud and looked through more of the pages. Once he saw blank pages, he smiled and grabbed a pen. He drew a picture of you and him. He lost track of time and slowly started to finish it. He was dressed as Peter Pan and you were Wendy. He chuckled and wrote on the side "let's go to neverland" he chuckled and stared at the book. "Damn I forgot how relaxing it was to just sit and draw." He shut the book and sat it on your pillow before getting up to go get some food.

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