Chapter Eleven~ Without You

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A/n~ this chapter is gonna be good so I hope you guys enjoy! :-) Also the pic is their wedding rings
Amber's pov~
I jumped in front of Harper.

Pain permeated through my body, starting at my stomach, flying through me.

I fell backwards, my head hitting the corner of my coffee table. I heard a crack come from inside of my head.

"Am..." voices faded out, all I heard was ringing.

"I'm so tired, baby." I said, my vision was slowly being covered with colorful stars, and I couldn't keep my eyes open.

I could see people opening their mouths, but words were a humming noise, like a computer.

My eyes fluttered close, my vision nothing but a darkness that seemed to go on forever.

I miss Harper, I don't want to be stuck in this darkness, I don't want to be here. I want to be with my fiance!


Harper's pov~
Amber is in a coma.

She has been for two months, and so much has happened since then.

My father went to jail, along with my mother. I was only seventeen then, and Aaron and Remi adopted me.

I turned eighteen yesterday, but it wasn't the same without Amber. Ever since I was allowed in her room I have stayed by her side, hardly eating, and no sleeping either. I just held her hand and watched her face as if it would make her wake up.

"Harper, come on let's go home, you need sleep." Remi said, grabbing my hand and trying to pull me away from Amber's bed.

"No I need to be here when she wakes up, I can't leave." I said, holding Amber's hand tighter.

"Okay, honey, just get some rest." He said, letting go of my hand and walking out.

I watched Amber's emotionless face, and burst into tears.

"Amber, baby please wake up, I need you." I begged in between tears.

I wiped my eyes, and grabbed her phone. I had been listening to music off of it, and one song had caught my attention. It was called sad song by: We The Kings. I had sung this song to her so many times, and even learned how to play it on her guitar so I could sing it to her.

I grabbed her guitar, and strummed a few strings, before playing the song.

"You and I,
We're like fireworks and symphonies exploding in the sky.
With you, I'm alive
Like all the missing pieces of my heart, they finally collide." I sung, not noticing the nurse had opened the door and was leaning against the door listening to me play.

"So stop time right here in the moonlight,
Cause I don't ever wanna close my eyes." I kept singing, more nurses and doctors had joined in the audience.

"Without you, I feel broke.
Like I'm half of a whole.
Without you, I've got no hand to hold.
Without you, I feel torn.
Like a sail in a storm.
Without you, I'm just a sad song.
I'm just a sad song." People in the waiting room had joined, listening from outside of the room, their tears had stopped flowing, and they listened with a smile on their faces.

"With you I fall.
It's like I'm leaving all my past in silhouettes up on the wall.
With you I'm a beautiful mess.
It's like we're standing hand in hand with all our fears up on the edge.

So stop time right here in the moonlight,
Cause I don't ever wanna close my eyes." I sung, not noticing that Valentin, Wyatt, and Valentine had pushed through the crowd and were singing with me.

"Without you, I feel broke.
Like I'm half of a whole.
Without you, I've got no hand to hold.
Without you, I feel torn.
Like a sail in a storm.
Without you, I'm just a sad song.

You're the perfect melody,
The only harmony
I wanna hear.
You're my favorite part of me,
With you standing next to me,
I've got nothing to fear.

Without you, I feel broke.
Like I'm half of a whole.
Without you, I've got no hand to hold.
Without you, I feel torn.
Like a sail in a storm.
Without you, I'm just a sad song.

Without you, I feel broke.
Like I'm half of a whole.
Without you, I've got no hand to hold.
Without you, I feel torn.
Like a sail in a storm.
Without you, I'm just a sad song.
I'm just a sad song." I finished, and burst into tears.

The doctor pushed everyone back into the waiting room, and the only ones left in the room was Valentin, Valentine, Wyatt, Connie (I don't know when she showed up), Remi, Aaron, Abby, Elliott, Sweetie, and Shay, with a nurse.

"H-Harper?" A voice croaked from the bed.

I looked up, seeing Amber was awake with a wide smile on her face.

"That was beautiful." She said, kissing my hand.

"I have to get the doctor, all of you need to leave." The nurse said, pushing us out.

I was stunned, standing with Amber's phone in my hand and tears of joy in my eyes.

My baby had woken up.

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