"Hello" I open the front door with no sign of anyone else home. Dropping my bag on to the couch i head start for the kitchen. I see the note on the feidge from my mom "we will be home late gone out for a date love mom" how could I have forgotten their monthly date. I head towards my room to finish up the book im reading for my book report. Entering my room I noticed a envelope with only my name on the front. Nervously opening the envelope I read "I'm coming for you". Scared i lock all the doors and grab my dads hand gun. I set the gun on my computer desk and settled on my bed and try the best i can to focus on my book. Changing my mind I put my book down and grab my laptop and log into netflix for a movie or two. Sending faye a text asking for her to come over for a while. Ten mintues later I hear a knocking on the door. I grab the hand gun before going to the door. Looking through peep hole I see faye. Opening the door the first thing she says is "Whats up with the hand gun?" Taking her to my room i hand her the note and watch her eyes get a little bigger. "I can stay till ten" she says in reply to the note. Relived that she would be able to stay that long. I will only have an hour and a half by myself.

sex and abuse isnt love
Non-Fictionamber is a laid back, happy teenager living in californa. she has amazing friends, lives next to the beach, and is perfectly fine being part of the outcast group. all is good and well until she meets the new guy. soon after he moves to town he quick...