Chapter 2: The Shinobi

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I was standing in a soaking wet white nightgown.

"You are a very good dancer, you know."

I spun around.

A man in shinobi's attire stood their, clapping slowly.

My eyes widened.

The man smirked at my reaction.

I turned and ran back to my house as fast as I could.

- - -

"No rain today, Okaa-sama, I asked last night." I said as I walked downstairs for breakfast the next morning.

"For the last time, don't tell me about your 'talks' with the rain, you stupid, crazy, worthless girl!!" She snapped.

I was silent.

"Makes me wonder why I even let you stay... You're a freak. I should've just thrown  you out into the streets, you worthless girl.." Okaa-sama mumbled.

When she said that, my heart shattered.

"FINE! I'LL LEAVE IF YOU DON'T WANT ME HERE!" I yelled, turning and running back up the stairs. I grabbed a backpack & started to pack. Heaviest things were at the bottom of the bag. Those were my art supplies, and my framed photos. Then clothes.

I never owned many clothes, so I could fit all of my clothes into the bag. Next I placed my childhood 'blankie' and the teddy bear my father had given me before he left. My diary, and I walked into my mother's room, and took my father's kantana off the wall. I strapped it to my waist, walked back into my room.

Repeating what I did last night, I opened my window and jumped out.

"KORI!! GET BACK HERE AND RETURN YOUR FATHER'S KANTANA!!!" I heard my mother scream, but I ignored it.

You wanted me gone, didn't you? Well I'm gone now. And I'm never going back there.


Three hours later, I was starting to regret leaving my Okaa-sama. I think I over-reacted there... But then again...

"Mother had always been that way. At least once she figured out that I was more different, more unusual, than the rest of her children. Because of her cold, resentful way Mother treated me... She took charge of my life.

Told me what I could and couldn't do. What I could and couldn't wear. Who I could and couldn't talk to. Who I could and couldn't be. My mother had taken complete control of my life. She denied me my dream of becoming a kunochi. Denied me my want to become a friend with a boy who lived in a orphanage. Banned me from talking to the neighbors son, just because his parents were ninja. She even told me whom I WAS GOING TO MARRY! So tell me, was I over-reacting? Or was that just the last straw?" I spoke aloud, hoping that the Rain would hear me, and answer.

But all I heard was the wind blowing in my ears. And for a split second, I thought I heard the wind speak my name.

- - -


The rain falls but I can't dance anymore

Torn, pulled, dragged each every way

My heart so confused I'm not sure

If my hearts whole anymore


I, the rain, cry for the evil in the rain-dancer's legacy

I, the rain, sob for the one who had once been brave

I, the rain, has lost its meaning

Now that the Rain-Dancer

Has lost her reason to dance in the rain.


The child who has danced upon me

So many times before

Has now tripped

And fallen onto me,

The Earth.

She struggles to find the strength

But falls again

And another precious child breaks

And I weep for the misfortune

That takes place


I heard and watched as she grew up

I saw what made her become what she is

My only regret is that I couldn't hold her

She's so lonely

Like me

But for a reason

I can't understand



I just want to hug her

Tell her 'Shh, it's okay, little one'

But I can't

I'm only the air you breathe

Wind that blows in the breeze


I've seen her, and heard her story from the wind

I've wondered why she doesn't fight back

I've wondered why she just... gives in

Where's the fire I knew that once burned so bright?

Even through the darkest of nights

'Where's the spark?' I would speak

If she would hear me

I'd guide her through her darkest nights

Kiss her with the heat I provide

And try to ignite the fire in her heart once again


I go with the flow

Yes, that is true

But for her

I would forge another path anew

She is one

Who lives not upon love

But hope

And not the sun

But its sister

The rain

But know this

I would give my spirit

To heal

The girl known as

The Rain-Dancer

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