Chapter 14: Friendship

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Kori’s POV:

Konan-sama and I arrived back at the place that is now my home not long after the incident with Daisuki. The exquisite mansion that was quite different than the primitive settings of that cave in which was my home for the past 21 years. But, despite that, my thoughts kept drifting to the little boy Daisuki and his mother. His mother seemed to love him very much.

I wish I was loved like that. But I would rather Daisuki be the one loved. I wasn’t loved by Okaa-sama for a reason. But it was okay. I understood why Okaa-sama detested me so much.

I was too different.

I was too strange.

It was saddening, but necessary. Some must be unloved so that others could be.

So I was happy.

Okaa-sama made it clear some people are worth something, while others are an only burden, the unwanted extra.

I was the burden.

I’m a burden to all.

I was always a burden to Okaa-sama. She told me every day. It’s strange, not hearing those words anymore…

Her words seemed to echo in my head.

“You’re nothing but a burden to me. Go do your chores and leave me alone, you worthless girl!”

I must’ve been a burden to ‘him’ as well, because he hurt me. He hurt me badly.

And now I’m a burden to the Akatsuki. All I am is just another mouth to feed, and another bed to occupy.

I’m a burden to everyone.

And that's all I’ll ever be.

A burden.

But that doesn’t mean I can’t repay them for caring for me, and taking me in. Taking care of me, nothing but a burden.

“Konan-sama, if it is a-alright with you, may I p-prepare the meal? It is my way of saying t-thank you.” I said softly.

Konan looked at me for a moment.

“You may.” Konan-sama said, nodding.

“How many people do I have to cook for?” I asked, grabbing plates from the cabinet.

“10 people in all.” Konan-sama said.

I took the origami flower and held it out to Konan-sama.

“I think this belongs to you, K-Konan-sama…” I said shyly.

She gently pushed my out-stretched arm back towards me.

“It’s yours. Keep it.” Konan-sama said, a small smile on her face.

I was confused.

“Think of it as a sign of friendship.” Konan-sama said.

My eyes widened. Friendship? What’s that?

“F-f-friendship? W-what’s f-friendship, Konan-sama?” I asked.

Friendship is something really special.

Friendship is a blessing.

Neither explanations were helpful, but thank you.

Konan-sama looked shocked that I didn’t know what friendship was. Then she thought hard for a few moments. While she thought I set the table.

“A person whom one trusts with a bond of mutual affection. Friendship is where people are able to care for each other. Friendship is where people can tell each other secrets and not have to worry if they will tell others because they trust each other. Friendship… is when people can turn to their friend when their heart aches. Friendship is being the shoulder to cry on when the person needs it. Friendship is having supporter cheering you on. Friendship is sharing pains, and sharing laughs. Friendship… Friendship is not being alone anymore." Konan-sama explained.

The way she described it made me realize that a ‘friend’ was all I ever wanted.

“If what you said is what a friend was… then a f-f-friend was all I e-ever w-wanted.” I said quietly, voice wavering a little.

Konan-sama watched me quietly.

“I’d b-be h-honored t-to be y-your f-f-friend, K-Konan-sama.” I said, touched.

Konan-sama touched my arm. I turned my head to look at her. She’s smiling.

I almost smile too. But I don’t. I still have wounds that need to heal before I will be able to smile.

“That’s great, Rain-Dancer. Call me Konan-chan, okay?” She said.

“Okay, Konan-sama. I, I mean Konan-chan.” I said, flustered at my slip-up.

Konan-sam-, I mean, Konan-CHAN, laughed softly.

“I’ll be going now. Get me when the meal is ready. I’ll help you wake up everyone up, alright, Rain-Dancer?” Konan-chan said.  Konan-chan turns and starts to walk out.

“Um, Konan-…chan?” I asked, unsure.

“Yes, Rain-Dancer?” Konan-chan said.

“Y-you c-can c-c-call me Kori-chan, i-if you’d l-like t-too.” I said, embarrassed.

“Alright, Kori-chan. I’ll be in my room if you need me, okay?” Konan-chan said.

“O-Okay.” The Rain-Dancer said.

General POV:

If you looked closely enough at the Rain-Dancer’s face, you would see a hint a smile, that flash of pure happiness the flitted across her face after Konan left. But as quickly as it came, it was gone.

The Rain-Dancer was slowly but surely coming out of her cocoon of fear.

She was slowly but surely learning who she was. What it meant to be ‘Kori’; what it meant to be ‘The Rain-Dancer’.

The wire she was walking along was slowly reaching the other side. You couldn’t see it just yet, but you knew it was there. Just out of our line of vision.

The Rain-Dancer still had a long way to go, but she had come so far already.

The Rain-Dancer lifted her foot to take another step.

And we would be there to help her along the way. Us, along with the elements that loved her so dearly, would be there to guide. To show her that she wasn’t a burden.

And far away, a man in a cave yelled in fury.

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