Chapter 1

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Rebecca ' s pov

Today's the day I go to my new college. My last school in used to get badly bullied and it was worse at home.
Me my and my dad had to move to London as my dad got a new job which is fab.
Living in such a hot place to living in such a cold place does things to you.
I've been living in London for about 2 months now looking for college courses.
And today was it the day I start college.
I always over think what if they don't like me what if I don't fit in right what if I get bullied again.
These thoughts were at the back of my head... wanna know why of course u do
There are these guys who do youtube.
They are part of a gang called the sidemen.
There's harry, simon, jj, ethan, vikk ,josh and tobi...
Simon was my favourite and always have been they've made me smile when I couldn't.
Once the video ended I walked down stairs ready to get out the door when I could hear my mum shout.
"U fail this year your out of the house for good got it" she shouted
"Whatever" I had shouted back.
You see me and my mum and dad don't get on they hate me I hate them it's a win, win to be honest.
From the age of 16 I've always had a dislike to them as they always disliked me.
My dad doesn't bother looking at me or talking to me.
I've always wanted that daddy figure.

As I walked along the pavement to the college I remembered I had my earphones in my pocket so I could listen to songs at it was a 30 minute walk there.

I know 18 and can't even drive... at this age I don't want to. I like being healthy and walking place.
As I could see the college in view I got more anxious but the minute.
Multiple thoughts came rushing into my head...
Okay Rebecca not a good time to have a panic attack right now...
Okay okay I can do this I can do this.
As I walked into the office about to ask for my schedule I bumped into someone and fell on my arse.
"I'm soo sorry I didn't see u there"
I looked up and no flipping way. It can't be uhh no
"I'm jj and u are??" Jj said taking my hand helping me up.
"I'm Rebecca. I'm new hear" I said neverously.
"Oh yeah we were told there was a new person coming here let me show u around after u get your schedule.

Me and jj walked around showing me what to do what not to do. When the bell went it was time to go to my first class which happened to be pe.
I loved pe especially football. From a young age I've always been able to play football I was always better than the boys when I was in school.
As I walked in the changing room I got stares and smiles.
Maybe this could be a new start maybe I can have friends.
"So your the new girl huh" someone asked me from behind
"Yeah I'm Rebecca and u are?"
I asked politely
"I'm Megan u mess with me watch your back" she said while walking away with two other girls.
Jezzz need to stay away from her then.
As I was changed I walked into the gym hall and was saw a few boys kicking around a football.
One boy kicked it a bit hard so the other boy missed it.
It was coming towards me so me being me I started doing kicky uppys (don't know how to spell that haha )
I kicked it back after I had done a few.
"Holt cow. How. What. Girl damn" one of them said I turned round and saw simon tobi and jj looking at me.
Oh gosh did I just make a fool out of myself in front of my favourite you tubers.
Oh no
I put my head down and went to go sit on the bench.
"Uhh I'm simon nice tricks you did there. U want to hang out sometime" he said smiling
"Yeah sure" no flipping way u just asked me to go hang out.
My favourite youtube just asked me ahhh.
The rest of the day went by slow jj kept showing me about as I had kept getting lost.
It was about time to get home as I had stuff to do so I got everything packed up and started to head home.

Once I got home I saw no one anywhere. Phew
I ran upstairs and grabbed my guitar which I hid away from my parents as they don't let me play it.
I strum some cords and start singing.
This what kept me happy. A few hours later my parents came home with food and juice. And said I have to cook my own tea since they are going back out for a date night... Argh gross
So I made my own tea and had a shower.
I watched some more youtube than I should of. I could feel my eyes closing...
I drifted into a comfortable sleep.

Hey guys so this is my first full fanfiction please comment on what u would like to happen and or not as I want to make u guys happy♡
And thanks for reading lovely 👫

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