New school pt.1

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Height: 5ft 3
Gender: female
Body: skinny
Eye color: blue
Hair color: light brown
Age: 16 close to being 17
Grade: 12th

§§§§§§ Scout §§§§§§


'Where am I?' I thought as I looked around. All there was was just forest as far as I could see. It was pretty and calming.

I heard a twig snap behind me and snapped me pulling me out of my thoughts I whipped my body around to see something in the shadows of the trees. My heart starts pounding with fear. I cleared the lump in my throat to speak "I-is s-someone there?" My voice shook.

As the figure stepped forward my heart started pumping faster. All I could see was a bright blue eye and a brown eye, they were stunning even breathe taking.

Before I knew it my lags started moving by themselves towards the figure. I didn't feel afraid though but I felt peace and safety as I got closer.

As I got a foot away from the figure I noticed it was a girl. She was tall almost a foot taller than me and very toned like she does a lot of hard training. but I still couldn't see anything else.

We stared at each other for awhile then she started to move closer and closer I could feel my heart starting to race but not from fear but from something else something I've never felt before.

I closed my eyes as she got so close I could feel her hot breathe on my lips a shiver went down my spine. I could feel my face heat up I knew I was blushing. I could feel her getting closer to my lips so close-

"Scout, you need to get ready for your first day of school." My mom yelled from downstairs.

I opened my eyes looking at my fan. I slowly sat up I felt a little angry and sad 'I want to know what she looks like I want that feeling again I wanted her to kiss me I wanted her- wait what are you thinking about.' I shook way the thought as I walked to my dresser and pulled out a pair of jeans and pulled out an oversized sweater and put them on.

'Yeah first day of school." I thought in a sarcastic tone . I hate school I'm always the school punching bag no matter where I go. I guess I'm just an easy target to brake.

I finished my morning routines and went down stairs to see my mom putting a plate of food down for me. I'm glad I have her when I do because when she leaves I get abused by my father. The sad thing is she's almost always gone for her job for a long time and comes back for at least a days or two and then leaves again.

I sit down and thank her for the food as she grabbing her keys. She came over and gave me a kissed me on the four head. "I will be back by Sunday I left some money for you for lunch and stuff on the counter, and I hope you have a wonderful first day call me when you get a chance. Okay by sweetie." She said and left. I felt scared and sick right when she left.

I finished and put my stuff way and picked my back pack up and walked out of my house and locked it. I plugged my head phones in and started my 10 minute walk to school.

*Time skip*

When I got to school hardly anyone was there. I looked at the time and saw that I was 30 minutes early. 'Grate now what am I going to do?' I thought as I stated to walk around the school. When I got to the back of the school there was and old abandoned library.

I looked around to see if everyone was around. There was no one in sight so I walked in to the library. Everything was really dusty and dirty.

I looked around for a little as I thought to myself 'I don't need anyone I just need me, myself and I to finish off this year and I can get away from it all.' I sat down as my thoughts when back to that dream. 'Man I wish I could have kissed her. She smelled so nice like fresh rain on the sidewalk, honey and lemons it was amazing.... But she doesn't exist so you should stop thinking about her and pull yourself together remember you only need me myself and I, yeah but she was so prefect so tall like 6ft or something like that.' I smiled at the thought of my dream girl. 'Stop okay just do something to distract yourself.' I thought as I blushed because of my thoughts. I pulled out my own book and start to read. It started to distract me. It was the only thing that made me feel like my day would be a lot better but I knew that this place is going to be just like the rest.

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