The cookies

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I walked up to my door fear filled my body. I opened it slowly and peaked my head in. All the lights were off and I let out a sigh. 'Good my dads not here.' I thought as I walked to the counter and pulled out my homework.

I finished my homework in about 30 to 40 minutes I didn't have a lot but my mind would go back to Alex and I'd get distracted.

I pulled out my phone to see I had a text from an unknown number.

Unknown number: HEY! You'll never guess who it is. Hahahah!  >:)

Me: well it definitely can't be the best partner in the world. XD

I laughed at are texts. I knew it was Alex so I added her to my contacts.

Alex: yep your right it's definitely not the best partner in the world. >:)

Me: lol. Now who will pick me up for the party tonight I guess I won't go. :(

Alex: well M'lady I know of this person who you call 'the best partner in the world' and if you txt me your address then she can come get you.

I laughed and sent Alex my address. I got ready and put on a nice t-shirt and waited by the door.

I felt really excited and happy but nervous as well. I Heard a knock at the door and I went and opened it. Alex gave me a big hug and I blushed.

"How are you?" Alex asked as she let go.

"Ohh. I'm good." I said messing around with the bottom of my t-shirt.

"Well that's good. now how about you and I get to the party."

"The party already started?" I asked as we walked out to the drive way and I stopped.

"No but it's always a party in my house." She said turning around to see why I had stopped.


"I've just never seen in a motorcycle before. Well in real life."

"Ohh yeah, well if you don't want to ride it we can walk."

"No no I just never been on one."

"Well I'll make sure you will have the best ride of your life." She said grabbing a helmet and give it to me and then putting one on herself. She hopped on and patted behind her. I walked over and hopped on.

"You're going to want to hold on." She told me and I put my hands on her hips. She laughed.

"You're going to want to hold on a lot tighter than that." She then grabbed me hands and rapped them around her waist.

"You ready?" She asked looking back at me.

"Umm, I think so." I said.

"Good." She said as she started it up and popped the kick stand up.

She revved the engine a little and glanced back then we took off. I yelped a grabbed on to her a lot tighter.

'Holly crap I'm going to die.' I thought.

After a little I lifted my head up. 'This is really cool!' "This is awesome!" I yelled.
I could barely hear Alex laughing.

We pulled up to a little house and Alex put the kickstand down. She hopped off and help me off and took my helmet.

We walked up to the door. "Welcome to home." She opened the door and put the helmets down on a table.

"Would you like a tour of the hou-" before she could finish she was tackled to the ground by a blue and white blob yelling "Alex! Help use!" In a scared voices.

As I looked up to the hall the two came from as an angry Zack ran in yelling

Alex got up with Koby and Ace cowering behind her. She turned around.

"What did you two do?" She said.

"We did nothing." They said in unison.

"Are you kidding me!" Zack chimed in.

Alex looked at zack then back at the two. "I swear to god you three if this is about something stupid I'm going to kill all three of you."

The three looked between themselves.

"Tell me what you two did to make Zack so upset?"  Alex asked and Ace pushed Koby closer to Alex.

"Oh come on." Koby said as he knew he had to tell.

"Umm well umm you see me and Ace tookzackscookies."  He said the latest part fast.

"What I couldn't hear you?"

"W-we ate all z-Zack's homemade cookies." He said in a quiet voice.

"Really?" She asked.

"Y-yes." Zack said in a scared voice.

"Zack you can praised to kill these to." 

"What no Alex you can't let him!" Ace said bagging on his knees.

"You know how good is cookies are you think I'll let you live."  Alex said and small little foot steps could be heard getting closer. Alex turned around.

"Kitty, you can't even fough I wreally wanted one we can't kiwll vem. Okay." A cute little voice came from behind Alex.

"Fine just because you said not to." Alex replied and turned around. "You two are lucky." She said and turned back around and and picked up a little girl off the ground. And walked back to me.

"Sorry about all that. But this is my little sister Bree." The girl named Bree was a little shy.

"Hi there Bree. I'm Scout." I said with a little wave and she looked at me and looked back at Alex and laughed. She whispered something in to Alex's ear.

I was confused as I watch and the Bree looked back at me and smiled. And waved. "I wreally like you I fink you are really going to wike Kitty."

"Oh umm you think?" I ask

"Yeah even vough she can be wired at times she's stiwll the best." She said and hugged Alex. Alex and I laughed.

"Well I don't I show you around." She said and I nodded.

'Now I know what she meant that her house is always a party.'

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2016 ⏰

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