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Ciel's pov

Writing my letter to the Queen came to a sudden halt after a disturbance of a loud tapping at the window. The tappings sounded louder, I grew annoyed as it started sounding like someone was tapping the window with gravel.

"Who's doing that?" I walked to the widows and opened the curtains. No one appeared as the tapping ceased. "That's odd..."

All of a sudden, a huge sheet went over me as it surrounded me in darkness. I struggled to break free when I felt arms wrapped around me, "Hey! I comand you to stop playing these games!"

"Comand?" A familiar voice whispered in my ear and chuckled. "You haven't changed at all, Ciel Phantomhive~"

No! I yelled I'm my own thoughts as I recognized his voice, That's impossible! He was killed a long time ago!

"Claude! Take Ciel back to the mansion that your stupid brother babysitted." Alois went from cheerful to serious, "and be quick."

"Yes, your highness." I was then lifted up by Claude.

"Let me go!" I kicked my legs in anger. "Sebastian! Come and get these two!" My neck was harshly hit with Claude's hand.

Sebastian's pov

Sebastian! "The young lord..." I stood up and looked into the direction he was in, "he's in trouble!"

"What?!" Alice and Abigail looked at me with a puzzled face.

I held the drenched body in between my arms, "We need to leave, now."

"Where is the young lord?" Abigail quickly stood up.

"I'm uncertain of his location." I gave Abigail the body, "Take this back to the mansion's basement. Alice, come with me."

"Yes, sir." Abigail ran off with the body.

Alice and I scurried off to the location that I heard my lord calling me from.

Ciel's pov

My eyes opened up to a room. My limbs were tied to a bed in the middle of it. What's the meaning of this? I struggled to break free. My eyes traced across the room trying to make out with objects in the darkness. "Shit!" I yelled out loud.

The door opened, letting light into the dark room. "We meet again, Ciel Phantomhive." There stood Claude with that wide smirk of his.

"Untie me! I command you!" The chains banged against the bed post as I tried to break free. Sebastian! Hurry up!

"There's no need to worry, my lord." Claude sat next to me on the bed, "I'm not here to get you, for you have no soul. I'm just stalling for my highness as he does his revenge on you."

"How did you get out of hell?! Go back!"

"Actually, I didn't die." He pushed up his glasses, "I just acted as if I died."

"Impossible!" I shook my head. "There's no way! That sword... it was powerful enough to kill-"

"It was a fake." He said proudly. "The real one is stored somewhere else."

"What about Trancy?" I yelled.

"Ah, yes. Luka's soul and his soul roamed freely after Hannah's death. I just took his soul and placed it in his body." His smirk annoyed me.

"I had enough of this!" I broke out of one chain with my demon strength (even though we know that Ciel is very weak). "Sebastian!" I yelled as I took off my eyepatch. "I order you to come now!"

Sebastian's pov

Alice and I came through the window of this disgusting mansion. I saw the young lord half tied up to a bed and Claude sitting next to him.

"Faustus, we meet again." I clenched my fist in anger.

"Hello, Michaelis." As he stood up, his wandering eyes looked at Alice who was right beside me. "And whom do we have here?" He couldn't keep his eyes off of her.

Alice raised her eyebrow and took a step back. "I'm Alice, unhand my lord at once!"

"Or...?" Claude took a step forward and smirked. "I'm not the one you should fight, you have a bigger problem."

"A bigger problem?" I questioned him.

"Yes, my highness is probably at your mansion right now burning it to ashes."

Damn it! I clenched my fist, My cats are still in the closet!

"Abigail was probably there before him, there's no way the mansion is going to burn now." Alice said.

Claude chuckled at my girlfriend, "Who said there wasn't a plan B?"

"Plan B?" The young lord said.

"Plan B has two options; If there's a male guard, kill him. If there's a female guard..." He slowly licked his lips.

"Wait! You're joking, right?!" The master's face turned completely red with anger and realization.

Claude shook his head. "I am not joking."

"Sebastian!" My master struggled to break out of his other chain,"Free me and take me to the mansion!"

"But, my lord..." I glared at Claude.

"Let Alice fight him!" My master is such a brat...

I decided to follow orders as a loyal butler. As soon as he was free, he walked up to Claude and slapped him.

"Do not mess with me nor my servants!" My lord bellowed with rage. "Alice, make sure you beat him."

Claude stayed with a normal face showing that the slap had no effect on him. My hands took the little lord by his legs and back.

"Now," Alice clipped her hair up, "I believe it's time to fight."

Before I jumped out the window, I glared at Claude and told him with my eyes; Do not lay a dirty hand on my girlfriend.

He smirked as he looked up and down at Alice. His eyes told me; Ah, what a nice body she has... Well then, it's time to take another person from you.

Tch! I'll be back, and when I do, you shall die. I leaped out the window with my master in my arms.

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