#1 (Reader In Wonderland)

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A/N: Nope, no one shot here, but... Your going to be (for a short period of time) in Wonderland, and stuff... Carry on! (Btw, it's Anna!)

You sighed as you walked through the marvellous garden. You marvelled at the blood red roses, and the bird flying in the air. You have a love for all animals and nature, they helped you relax. Especially in a time like this, you were supposed to marry someone, or at least date someone. Of course, you wanted a family... Just... Not now... You wandered through the tall grass in barefoot, feeling the dirt beneath you. You turn your head to a rustling sound in a bush. Out popped a rabbit... With an old pocket watch in his paw. You walk closer, away from the grass and onto the gravel. You wince as the sharp rocks under your feet begin to hurt more and more. The rabbit hears the crunch of gravel and gasps. "Oh my fur and whiskers! I'm very late!" The rabbit mutters under his breath, he says that line repeatedly.

How odd...

The rabbit quickly hops away in the opposite direction. You quickly run after it, as quietly as you can. You manage to get of the sharp gravel paths and onto dirt, you sneak behind a bush as the rabbit turns towards you and checks it's pocket watch. It goes under the long leaves of a willow tree, you quietly follow it. It seems to have disappeared.

You walk closer, only to trip on a root, you fall at the front of a hole. You gaze into the hole before you, but the dirt trembles under you knees, slipping into the hole. Not taking notice of this, you turn you head towards the hole, deeper into the welcoming darkness. The ground beneath you falls into the hole, and you fell... Down under where nobody can find you, where the darkness takes you as one of its own...

Suddenly, a dim light emits from nowhere. It shows strange things as you fall. You didn't fall rapidly like a rock tumbling down, you fell slowly, thanks to your dress. You gazed in wonder how any sort of furniture ended up here. You started to panic as the ground started to get closer to your sight. "Anyone! Help me!" You called out to the surface above.

Let's hope I won't die...


Gasping for air, you breathed in rapidly. H-how...?

You see the rabbit at the side of the room, "I'm late! I'm late!" He muttered, but a little loudly this time, not taking notice of you. He quickly exits through a small door to the left of you. You get up now, somehow able to stand. There was a table in the centre of the room, to the right of where you are. You slowly walked to the table, taking in your surroundings. It was a large round room, with checkered ceilings and marble floors. You see a vial on the table, full of mysterious purple liquid. Drink me!

If there's no way out of here, might as well die now. You think sarcastically.

You take the vial and drink half of it. You start coughing from the drink. You set it down, waiting for something. Anything. You feel your clothes beginning to become loose, your (F/C) dress begins to increase in size drastically. You stopped shrinking, you shuffles out of your clothes and held onto your thin gown you had underneath. You shivered and turned to the door, the only door, which the rabbit went through. You rushed to it and shook the handle several times. You rush back to the table, seeing the small key, still on the table. You see a box just a little distance away. The box a
had many intricate designs, you lightly drew your fingers over them before opening the box. Eat me!

Not again...

You observed the cake which was now looking pretty tasty. It didn't seem to be poisonous. Why not?

You pick up the cake, careful not to drop any crumbs, and you take a bite. You start to grow... You quickly take the key and drink the rest of the thing in the vial and rush to the door. You push the key into the hole and... Click.

It unlocks, you push open the door and it shows a massive world of odd things...

730 words
Not Edited.
Part 2 coming soon!

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