Movie Theater Murder

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The lights slowly faded back on and the relaxed students looked down to see one of their classmates lying dead on the ground. Everyone was silent in terror. She had no visible injuries and had been perfectly healthy. Tayler ran to the door trying to escape and was followed by many other students to find it was locked. They hit the door and kicked it, attempting to open it whilst the teachers stared down at Nabeeha in shock thinking no one had a reason to murder her. Ainsley, still in shock, pushed through the crowd towards the door and read a messily hand written note pasted on the door reading " Be prepared to pay for what you took."

"Step back everyone!" yelled Kareena. "Panicking isn't going to help anyone!" Everyone stepped away from the door and let Kareena walk through. Everyone except Tayler, Gabby, Katie and Laura. "Why are you guys not moving?" asked Reem. "We were sitting beside her the entire time" explained Gabby, "at least one of you guys were with her the entire time so you're the suspects! Does anyone have a reason to murder her?" Kareena exclaimed keeping a very serious tone.

"I don't think any of us would have good reasons to kill her, I mean, we're all friends with her" explained Tayler, still in shock. "Well from what I remember Gabby is mad at Nabeeha for always stealing her stuff, Laura was mad at her because she tried to steal a gobstopper, Tayler was mad at Nabeeha for talking so much, but I think everyone feels like that, and Katie would because she was angry that Nabeeha got a better math test mark than her" explained Reem. "Okay, I may be a bit rude sometimes but I wouldn't kill Nabeeha because of a gobstopper. I was her first friend here," Laura said glaring at Reem. Kareena did a quick scan of the place and found a small plastic bag sitting in front of the door that smelled like candy. "This had candy in it recently too since it still has a very sweet scent," Kareena said staring at Laura. "Gabby had candy too!" a random person yelled from the back of the crowd. Everyone watching started to mutter. "Actually-" Ainsley started but was cut off by the terrified screams of everyone as the lights shut off.

Everyone ran around in a panic except for one person who stalked towards their next panicking victim. The murderer grabbed the victim and pushed her into the railing as hard as she could breaking the victim's spine, killing her automatically. All the victim managed to scream was help before being pushed to her death. That one scream could have saved her but it didn't. It ended up getting someone else killed. A mere observer caught a glimpse of the suspect pushing a friend over the railing.The murderer saw the student standing in shock, starring. The last thing the third victim saw was the murderer's bright eyes slowly moving towards her.

The lights blinked back on and the chaos came to an abrupt stop. "What happened?" Tayler stuttered. " The murderer struck again," Kareena said "and Ainsley and Briana are dead". Laura slowly approached the dead bodies. Both their backs were bent at an awkward angle. "This has gone way too far," said Gabby. "No duh!" exclaimed Laura. "Three people have been murdered and now you realise this!" Reem stalked towards the crime spot silently. Upon careful examination of the victims she noticed a similar sticky red and pink marking on their shirts. Keeping this suspicious marking in mind she approached Nabeeha's unmoved corpse sitting in front of the silent unmoving teachers. Good job helping you guys. After glancing over all the bodies Reem realized they all had one thing in common. They all had the markings on their shirts.

"Who brought candy with them?" questioned Reem. Everyone stared at her, confused. Rolling her eyes she walked over to Kareena and loudly explained her discovery to the big group. "Ohhh," said Kareena "that makes more sense". "Answer the question please" said Reem with a very annoyed tone. All the suspects looked down at their feet. "I brought some smarties but that's it and if those prints were because of me they would be brown because of the melted chocolate" said Katie. "And I brought some jelly beans but I don't think jelly beans can melt" said Tayler. "I brought some gobstoppers, but I ate them all at the beginning of the movie plus I went to the bathroom halfway through so I washed my hands" Laura said. " And I brought gummies with me but I didn't eat any," exclaimed Gabby pulling an unopened bag of gummies out of her pocket.

"Let's just go from where the movie was almost done," explained Kareena. "Well, Nabeeha and I had just gotten back from the bathroom and we separated. I sat down on one side of the row and she sat down on the other. Katie had left to go sit with Jimena and Victoria for the end of the movie since all her talking was annoying Nabeeha. Tayler was sitting beside Laura and they were arguing over which characters were the best but we saw Laura while we were coming back because she needed to throw out the bag for her gobstoppers . Laura was sitting beside Nabeeha originally," rambled Gabby. "Calm down Gabby,"exclaimed Kareena "Why were you guys going to the bathroom?" "Well, Nabeeha needed to go to the bathroom and I needed to clean off the melted candy Laura wiped on my arm.". "Why did you do that Laura?" questioned Reem. "It was annoying me" said Laura "plus the look on her face was hilarious" "Did you see Nabeeha when you sat back down?" asked Kareena. "Yea. She told me she was going to sit with the teachers to freak Tayler out," explained Laura.

"What happened after that?" asked Reem. "Well after Gabby Nabeeha got back the movie ended," explained Katie. "How did you know they got back? As far as I've heard you moved to sit somewhere else?" said Kareena. "Well I'm not deaf," explained Katie.

"I know who did it!" exclaimed Reem and Kareena at the same time, their voices oozing with confidence. They turned and had a quick discussion very quietly while the curious students muttered and the suspects stood anxiously. "So who did it?" yelled Jimena from the back of the group. "Laura did it!" Reem yelled spinning around. Everyone gasped. " Why do you say that?" said Laura with a blank expression. "The first thing that made us suspect you was the candy wrapper in front of the door. It either belonged to you, Gabby or Nabeeha since you guys were the last ones to be close to the door before the murder. The second thing was when everyone told us what candy they brought. Yours seemed like the only one that would really melt. Then you told us you ate all your candy at the beginning of the movie but later on confirmed you still had candy at the end of the movie. The candy melted in your jacket so you wiped some of it on Gabby. Apparently you didn't do a good enough job because you still had some on your hands when you murdered Nabeeha, Ainsley and Briana. Plus the movie ended when Gabby got back to her seat. You may have been back at your seat by this time but Nabeeha's body was at the side of the room and the teachers were on the other side," Kareena thoroughly explained.

"Okay fine you've got me! I was the one who murdered them. I got really mad because all of them stole a few gobstopper from me," Laura was taken away and nice ceremonies were held for Nabeeha, Ainsley and Briana. But there is one thing that was never explained. Who locked the door?

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