Beauty is displayed through the body, but goes deeper than the soul

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"You know you love me." She taunted in a cheeky voice. He smirked, "I never said i didn't." She sighed and sat down on their bed. "You don't love me!" She said overly dramatic in an almost sarcastic voice. He iknew what she was doing and thought to enjoy this game with her.  "My love for you was bulletproof but you're the one who," he prented to get striked by a bullet, "shot me!" She giggled and pulled her bangs back out of her face.

She got a bit bored in a sense so she took out her spotify and took out her playlist of music they both liked. The playlist was titled "Darker" as a codeword for him. He always wore all black and he always ate the dark chocolate. He was a big sweetheart on the inside. He liked puppies and kittens, was a huge nerd, and just a generally dorky person. God forbid you call him that though, he would KILL you.

The first song that was played was "my immortal" by evanescence. She figured it would be a good slow dancing piece (even though they both know all the lyrics and sing it in public all the time) so she took his hand. He was a bit confused but took it anyways. They did a small waltz together in their slightly messy room. She couldn't resist but hum to the beautiful lyrics. He smiled and looked down into her beautiful face. She had her foot movements down so she closed her eyes.

As the song finished up he was a bit sad but another evanescence song played "bring me to life" He decided to let her go and serenade her. During the chrous they were slightly lauguing in bliss with her going "wake me up" and him replying "wake me up inside".

More and more songs played. The more hardcore songs they decided to become a sucessful scream band doing badly done low screams to the standard motionless in white and black viel brides. The pop punk songs affair was a bit more bouncy with long hair going everywhere. Doing "My songs know what you did in the dark" they both slammed their fists on the wall. The neighbor was upset and actually told them to quiet down.

The problem was when the first not of the black parade entered their ears. He was slightly shocked and teared up. The girl automatically look out some black pencil liner reciting the words. "WHEN I WAS A YOUNG BOY," It went on as black tears were shed and emotions were revealed. It was a true binding experience for the two.

After a while of recovery she collapsed on the floor tired emotionally and physically. "Baby.." He said to her. "No.. I'm tired." She said sighing. He picked her up bridal style and placed her on the bed so she can sleep. Out of nowhere she gets a burst on energy and pulls him down with her. "Damn Sweetie!" He exclaimed.

He looked at her, and brushed her hair out of her face. "You're beautiful," he told her. "You're just saying that," she told him. He rembered all of their beautiful dancing that night, all of their dates with her gorgeous smiling face, her alluring movements whenver she felt a little flirty, all of it was bewitching to him. "I am, but i mean it." He told her. "That doesn't even make sense. You're the eye candy and everyone knows it."

She remembered his sexy smirks, girls staring at him down the street, not to mention his hair was always flawless. It made her insecure to know how someone so perfect was always with her. Someone she had to share with the rest of the world. Someone who could easily drop everything she has worked so hard to build.

"Stop putting yourself down. There's so much more to you and there's so much more than me."  He said slightly angry. "Not to me," She sighed. "You know before we even talked to each other what went through my head everyday?! I watched by quietly looking at all the girls who loved you over and over thinking to myself 'please don't love her. not this bitch. please, please, please let it be me'"

He was taken aback by her statement. "You know who i was waiting for to go up to me the whole time?" She knew what the answer was to such a cliche statement but let him go on. "You." He told her. "You didn't even know me." She protested. "I could argue the same." He rebuttled. "I knew you through a friend.. Peter wouldn't shut up about what a great guy you were." She sighed. "I knew you too. You were everywhere. I saw you at Hot Topic, the coffee shop.. even at the bar with your friends.. You were drinking cherry coke even though you weren't the designated driver." he paused. "You had such a ravshing smile. So full of life even when feeling the most dead inside.. It warmed up my cold bitter heart."

"Your heart isn't bitter, it's sweeter than you think." She told him. "That sweetness is splenda." He protested. "No it's not. Trust me i know your mom no longer keeps splenda in the house." She sarcastically smiled at him. "How do you know?!" He exclaimed

"I was the one who told her not to."

"Why you...-"


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