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This chapter was written with my cat in my thoughts, and my lap.

Josh sighed deeply. "It was the truth."

I pouted and moved onto Kiran. I sat in his lap and he held me close to him.

We were both offended.

"How dare you say this about one of the most amazing movies ever to be created!" Kiran exclaimed in horror.

"There are many movies that are far better than this piece of crap." Josh said with a shrug.

"Fight me!" I yelled at Josh from the security of Kiran's lap.

"I would but I don't hit girls." He said, looking up and giving me a challenging look.

"I'm sure I'd beat you anyway." I stared back at him, there was a glint in his eyes.

"I bet she would." Kiran stated.

"Yeah, sure you would." Josh muttered sarcastically and looked back at his phone.

"What is on your phone that is more important than me?" It came out ruder than I meant for it to be, but I don't think Josh payed it any attention.

"Nothing, everything about this movie bores me." He stated simply.

"It's not boring!" I squeaked.

"Honey, calm down. Let's just restart it and watch it all the way through." Kiran's told me quietly.

"Now that's a good plan." I replied just as quietly.

Kiran picked up the remote that was sitting on the table and restarted the movie while Josh wasn't looking, turning it up to 65, we started to listen to the into music.

"What the fruck?" Josh muttered as he lifted his head up and groaned. "Not again!"

"Yes, again!" I squeal in delight as we watched the lips and listen to the singing. Kiran throws his head back with laughter as Josh gets up and starts to leave the room.

"Bring me back some tea." I yell at Josh, not even taking my eyes off the screen.

"So demanding." I heard him mutter which caused me to giggle.

We sat in silence all the way through the wedding scene. Watching Brad propose to Janet and secretly getting excited about it, although it was the 72nd time I had watch this movie.

Yes, I have kept track, but I may be off. I feel live I have watched it more.

"I want a cat." Kiran said all of a sudden.

"You want what?" I ask in shock.

"A cat." He stated softly, suddenly shy.

"Why the hell do you want a cat? You're practically a dog." I told him, puzzled.

"Cats are independent but still want your love. They won't always come to you and will look after themselves, but they still need you and will get your attention when they want it. They kinda like women." He said, staring a head at the screen.

"Cats are not like women." I told him as I processed all he had said.

"You're right, but they are like you. And that's why I want one." He said sweetly, looking at me with loving eyes.

"Awe baby." I sighed at him.

"I know, it's stupid." He said with a sigh, turning back to the tv.

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