Chapter 4

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"Hi daddy," I practically whisper into the phone. I know its crazy, but he's really the only thing I'm really scared of because I'm such a daddy's girl. I hate disappointing him or him yelling at me for any reason.
"Alijah where are you!" My dad yells through the phone. I wince back from it and so did everyone else in the room. Loud sounds hurt our enhanced hearing and that was a very loud yell.
"Daddy I'm alright I ummm... Just got into umm... Some trouble," I say scared of what his reaction will be.
"With what now Alijah," Daddy says disappointedly/ tiredly. I look over to Danny with tears in my eyes, she can tell I'm about to break and that I don't want to do that in front of Draylan. Danny stands up and grabs his wrist to pull him out. Even though I don't like her touching him she's doing it for me.
"I didn't do anything to horrible Dad. Thanks for the confidence." I say sarcastically. I take a deep breath to calm the tears threatening to pour.
"I'd have more if you weren't constantly in trouble every time I don't have an eye on you," My dad complains... And there goes the restraint.
I sniffle before I vocalize how I'm really feeling, " You know every time I get into trouble is because someone baits me! It's not like I purposely go out looking for a fight! Then there's the people who asked for the scarcasm Dad I'm not a complete bitch!" I pause for a second and in a softer tone " I don't go out to make your life hard dad, I already know how hard it is without mom."
I hear him sniffle a couple times before he replies with," Baby girl I know its been hard for you too, but you've got to stop getting into trouble." If water wasn't already pouring out of my eyes it would be now.
"Yes sir ,I'm sorry." I whisper. I feel relief knowing me and my dad has talked it out. Now I just need to tell him where I'm at.
Draylan comes in now and pulls me into his lap. I curl up with my left side up against his chest. I immediately feel comfort from his touch and never want to move. My dad starts talking again and I just barely catch the last of it....."where are you Alijah so I can come get you."
"I'm at the Silverhaze pack." I mumble.

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