Surprise Too Sudden?

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The sudden words that came out from TaeYeon's mouth, surprised the girl on top. Hesitation. Did she really want to? She had waited for this moment. Since the first time they had talked alone. It wasn't just a simple "Hi" and "How are you". It was so much more. Enough to make Sunny fall head over heels for the very first time. She had never been in love. Not like this. At first she didn't want to believe she was attracted to females, but later on, she accepted it. Only that she kept it to herself. And Jessica of course. They are besties.

After few seconds of thinking that felt like forever, the girls came to notice that their eyes were still locked. She couldn't keep her crush waiting.

Leaning in closer and closer. Their lips were only an inch from each others.
It felt so new. Exciting.
Could she? Would she?

Even the emotionless could feel the heat between them. The passion that grew inside them. The love that could burst out any time now.

But would they?

So many thoughts ran through TaeYeon's head. Thoughts that made her question everything.
When did these feelings start? And how did she not notice how much it had grown these past few years?
Also, why did she say that?
Why did she had to ask Sunny to kiss her?

You didn't have to be Sherlock Holmes to see that the girl under was a big confused question mark.
Yes, the energy pill knew what she wanted, but the question mark,m did sadly not.

Sunny moved her lips farther from her friend's and to her forehead. Softly planting a gentle kiss to her 2cm taller crush.
After a gallon of blood rushed through her cheeks, she whispered slightly in Tae's ear;

- Goodnight...

She got off her friend and threw herself on her grape colored bed, leaving Taeyeunnie speechless and confused.
But a soft smile placed itself on her face and soon she was also in her own bed beside her sunny girl.
They did share rooms after all

The f**k have I written? Excuse my bad writing and creativity, this was just made for fun XD~

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