I haven't been writing for years and this won't be any good.

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What happened last night?
That's all TaeYeon thought about. It was so.. Different. She wanted more, but why? As for now, Tae's not good at hiding her thoughts. She couldn't even dance with the other girls without finding herself staring at the sunny girl. Whenever she would miss a dance step, a laugh would be created in the room and the slender Barbie would walk up to her. Jessica. They were so close. Every time the ice princess's fingers touched her love's skin, there was this fire building up in her. Burning sensations under her skin. As if she was taking something that belonged to her. She didn't dislike her, she just disliked their close relationship. All she wanted to do was to grab Sunny's arm and pull her close to herself.  It probably wouldn't be too weird, she thought. Girls Generation has always been known to be really close. Maybe too close? 

Sunny drowned herself in water while she was in the middle of a conversation. Jessica and Yuri had a lot on their mind, but all Sunny could think about was the night before. "Why didn't I kiss her..." she mumbled. Blood flushed to her cheeks as she realized what she just said. They looked weird at her, but didn't question it and continued their subject. A relief swept out of her mouth and she found herself moving away from the girls. She really wasn't herself today and she knew why. She fought between regretting not kissing her and regretting the whole thing. For gods sake, they were teammates. Best friends. Sisters... But she didn't want Tae as a sister. No not at all. She want to feel her taller friend's hand in hers, feel her warmth. She wanted to pull her by the waist and touch her lips. Another large sip from the water bottle just to cool down her body. It didn't work. 

Then it happened. Taeyeon just got up from the ground to look around just to find Sunny's eyes. 5 meters apart but it felt like 5 centimeters. It felt so close. Like yesterday. When she could feel her warm breath and endless heartbeats. Suddenly everybody around was gone. Vanished. It was their moment. Their connection. A thread between them nobody could stomp over.  Taeyeon let out a nervous giggle and her mouth curved into somewhat a smile. The world was back again. Getting a genuine smile was enough to make her flutter. Taeyeon wasn't really the emotional type. Is she even into... girls? Sunny could never tell. She knew her love had been hurt too many times by boys. Heartless, cruel boys that only played with a girl's heart to get what they wanted. Even though Sunny couldn't help but to undress her crush in her mind from time to time, she knew what she felt was real. That it wasn't just some silly "what if we just fooled around" thingy. That's whats scary though, Sunny thought. What if Taeyeon just wants to experiment? Should they stop? Heck, they haven't even started. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2018 ⏰

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