chapter 21

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I'm re watching this episode on YouTube as I write this.

You were bored. Bill was busy. You couldn't be with Dipper with out Ford knowing. You sighed you could just fly about gravity falls alone.

You left the dream scape and flew into the sky. It was peaceful you weaved between the trees and went to the mystery shack.

Dipper was out side with gompers playing dungeons, dungeons and more dungeons. (correct me if I got it wrong)

You flew down next to him "Hi Dipper" he jumped with surprise knock the 38 sided die. "Oh hi Y/N"

"I'll get the die" you said and crawled under the deck. "Dont bother I'll get it" Dipper said and crawled after you. Just before you reached it you and Dipper fell into the area where the portal was.

"Dipper!" You whisper shouted "we should leave before Ford comes". Dipper reached for the die "how do you know him any way?"

"Dipper stop" Ford was there. You back against the wall you couldn't let him know you where there.

"Great uncle Ford" Dipper turned round to face him holding the die. "What did I say about coming down here my work is far to dangerous for a single living soul to spend even one second in. WAIT is that a 38 side die from dungeons dungeons and more dungeons?" Ford said.

"Yeah" Dipper replied "You. You know that game?"

"With pen and paper. Shield and sword" Ford started "our quest quest shall be our sweet reward" Dipper and Ford both said at the same time.

You couldn't help but laugh. Ford turned to you. You cursed. Dipper stood in front of you. "I know she's a demon but she is different from Bill" he said.

You had planned to leave. But you couldn't just ditch Dipper now. "How do you know her?" Ford asked. "She showed up on day then helped us. I made a deal.." Dipper started before Ford cut him off "You made a deal!? She works with Bill!"

You stood up "the deal was that he'll trust me and in return I'll help him. He's kept the deal unlike you!" You snarled "Bill never shared his plans with me he still doesn't"

Dipper still stood in front of you "how do you know each other?" He asked. You smiled "Long story. I'm sorry I've got to leave now"

You left to the dream scape and fell on your bed just as Bill walked in. "Where have you been?" You asked. Bill lay down next to you "talking with old friends. You?"

You rest your head on his chest "the same as you. But I bet mine did better". Bill scratched you behind your ear "hey princess can you do something for me"

You sat up "Yeah. What do you need?" Bill sat up too "gain Ford's trust again. He has something I need you to get"

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