4- threats with weapons

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Bang. You shoot laitos shoulder. Then all the vampires teleport to the bathroom. "Geez, what the fuck are you doing " he says, gripping his shoulder. "That's my warning shot, you all only got one and Laito waisted it, next time, it's your heart " you say blankly.

"That's a bit vulgar " the second eldest reiji says. "No, that's the way of a hunter, blame Laito if you die " they all glare at him. "Oh come on m-neko chan " kou says, you glare daggers at him, he shut up. "I'm the highest level hunter, a prodigy, I've been given a magic ring by lord kaname, I'm related to the highest hunters ( parents name ), until mr idol over there killed them, and thanks to him, I'm pissed 24/7 " you say " so you don't want to mess with me " you add.

They all look at you, as you glare daggers. "What happened " yui and another girl screams, running into the bathroom. "She shot me " laito says, you smirk. "Laito-kun " the girl with orange hair says, walking up to him. "What have I warned you about, don't flirt with strangers your taken, idiot " the girl says.

"Hi my name is akira, I'm the second bride, I guess your the third one " she says, you shake your head. "Y/N, your dismissed " yui says frantically. "Are you sure, lady yui " you say concerned, she nods. "Your dismissed till we get to the school " she says sternly, you nod. "Yes lady yui " you say bowing.

"Come on Laito, let's get you cleaned up " akira says, pulling him out of the bathroom. "Let's make a deal " reiji says, you look at him. "Ok here's a deal, don't go near me or yui and I won't kill you, if I find a single fang mark on her or em, one of you die, and I won't hesitate " you say, reiji nods.

"Seems reasonable " he says, they look at him shocked. "Thank you, now scram, before I shoot you next " you growl, they nod and disappear, you sigh and rub your temples. "There such a pain in the ass " you mumble, getting into the shower.


You put your uniform on. It's itchy and annoying. You put in your new clips and put a small hand held gun in your bag. "Ok, I'm ready " you say, puffing your hair. You place your bag over your shoulder and leave your room. "Lady yui " you say kindly, she smiles.

"Your back on duty, right " she asks, you nod. "Good, I have a request " she says, then whispers the request in your ear. "Do you really want me to do that, I mean I shot the last vampire are you sure you wanna stick me with the one I
vile "you ask, she nods.

"If that is what you wish, lady yui " you say, standing at the top of the staircase. "Your late " reiji says, you sit on the marble railing and slide down. "And your a tableware otaku " you say, jumping of the swirly bit at the bottom. "Would you mind not sliding down the street railing " he asks, you shake your head.

"It's not as fun that way, now let's go tableware otaku " you say, walking towards the limo. You are forced to sit next to kou.

"Y/N, I want you to try and understand why kou had cause the accident, I want you to become his friend "

Yui's words go through your head. "Why did you do it " you ask, breaking the silence. Kou looks at you confused, until realisation hits his face.

"I had just learnt how to teleport, I went a bit further than expected and accidentally teleported to in front of the car, but I only managed to save you, your parents stopped me from saving them as well " he says, you feel your heart slowly beat faster.

"Really " you ask, he nods. "Really really " he says, you look at yui, who's over the moon with smiles."I-I, would be willing to f-forgive you " you mumble, he looks really happy. "That's awesome, I've felt bad about it for years " he says, you look at him surprised.

He felt bad about it, you though he relished in the pain he put you through. "Well then I have one more question " you say, your heart speeding up. "What the hell was with that phone call " you demand, he looks confused. "What phone call? " he asks you look at him amazed.

"Unbelievable, I can't believe I fell for that, you really are cold and heartless " you say, looking at your bag. " says the person that shot Laito over flirting " he mumbles, but you catch it. You pull some wire out of your clip and wrap it around his neck, slowly tightening it.

"I heard that you asshole " you growl, he try's to get the cored away from his throat. "Y/N " reiji says, you ignore him. "Y/N I demand you to stop " yui says, since when did she hold so much authority in her voice. You nod and unwrap the cord, placing it back in your clip.

"Jesus Christ, I don't want to dye today " kou says shocked. "Well then, don't lie to me, what was with the phone call " you ask again. "I didn't make any phone calls this morning or yesterday " he answers, you look at him. You place your finger on his head, the finger with the ring kaname got you.

"Well then, who did it " you ask, looking around the room. "Where did you get that " reiji asks, pointing to the ring. "A friend " you say, it's technically true, but you never really liked kaname. "Don't lie to me, that ring is given to the most highest of pureblood's, now where did you get it " he asks again.

"I got it from kaname Kuran, he was gonna hire me for a job when I finished here, ok happy now " you state blankly. Reiji looks a bit taken back. "Kou " he demands, kou nods and uses his red truth telling eye. "She's telling the truth " he answers reiji.

"Well then, forgive me for my behaviour " reiji apologises, you just scoff and ignore everyone.

The vampire that changed my life, a kou X reader. ( vampire knight crossover )Where stories live. Discover now