6- a festival a day keeps the kou away

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You lay on your bed. Your blonde hair gently spread around, your right arm covering your eyes. "Neko-chan " a voice coo's. You instantly know it's kou, he's been calling you that for weeks. "Get lost " you mumble, turning to your side. "But why, it's nice in here " he says, sitting at the edge of the bed.

You groan and kick him off the bed, hearing hit the wall. "I'm not leaving anytime soon " he says, you sit up. "Get lost pervert " you yell, he smirks. "It's idol, not pervert that's laitos job " "hey, no your right kou " laito says, appearing in your room.

"Would ya' get outa my room " you bark, they both smirk. Laito gets on the bed on all fours and starts crawling towards you. "But why, you smell so delicious " he says, you look at kou, who looks jealous. You smirk. "Oh Laito " you coo, he stops, "huh " he asks, "Laito, I've been waiting " you say, showing a bit of fake emotion.

Laito gets off the bed. "What are you doing, it's creeping me out " Laito asks, you smirk and walk up to him. "Laito " you say, resting your head on his chest. "Yes " he asks, going closer to you. "Get the fuck outa my room " you groan, walking away from him. "Oh but flower-chan " he says, you glare daggers at him.

"Do you want to be shot again, cause I will do it " you say, he gulps and disappears. "You too kou, scram " you say, he smirks and walks towards. "You don't really like Laito, right " he asks, you shake your head and look at the blonde. His usually piercing blue eyes. gentle and soft.

"Why would I like that pervert " you say casually. Kou looks relieved. "Hey, wanna go somewhere " he asks, you raise an eyebrow. "With you, no thanks " you say, laying back down on your bed. Kou hovers his head over you. "Coke on, just this once, " he pleads, you keep your eyebrow raised.

"Will you leave me alone " you ask, he nods. "Fine, but get outa my room " you growl, he nods and disappears. You groan  and walk into your closet. You look at your second favourite dress. "This is good enough " you say, grabbing it. It has a yellowish goldish bottom half, the rest is white.

You put your gloves on as well, then you grab your beret and place that gently on your head. You put your hair in low pigtails and put on a clip with white fur on it. You put on your shoes, there a brownish colour with white. You then tie a ribbon around your neck and walk out of your room.

"Let's go " you say to kou, your voice still emotionless. Kou cheers up and walks up to you. "I'm screwed if my hunter buddies find out " you mumble, kou places an around your waist. "Remove the hand, I did bring the wire and a gun " you say annoyed. Kou then removes his hand.

"Where did you put the gun " he asks, you glare at him. "Never mind " he says. "You look really pretty " you look at him. "No, your just saying that cause you like me " you say, opening the front door. "I don't " "I heard you talking to Yuma a few weeks ago about it " you say blankly.

Kou blushes. "I wasn't talking about you " he says, you freeze. "You weren't " you say, he nods. "Well then why did you say, and I quote. 'I'm gonna make Y/N fall for me ' " you say, catching up to him, kou blushes. "Yeah well, I'm talking about a different Y/N, " he says, you nod  sarcastically.

"Right, I totally believe you " you say sarcastically. "Shut up " kou grumbles. "Well then, what are we doing " you ask intrigued. "We're going to a festival " he says, like he already planned it. "Ok " you say, he grabs your hand, you glare at him. "What couples get for free, so put on a smile " he says, you groan and smile, gently leaning on his arm.

He feels so warm, you snuggle against his arm by accident. "Huh " he says, you glare at him. "This is for show " you say, looking down, a bit of blush goes on your face."how kawaii " a lady says, at the gate of the festival. "A couple I presume " she asks, you nod and smile.

"You two make a great couple, enjoy the festival " she says, giving you two passes for rides, you nod and take them. "Thanks " kou says, knowing full well that your not gonna be able to say it nicely. The lady is about to fangirl, but Lou gets you outa there quickly.

"Safe " he says, you release his arm, not enjoying the new found cold. "Y/N " a voice says. You turn to the right and see, Kian with Yuki, kaname and zero. "Shit " you mumble, stepping away from kou. "Hey " Yuki says, hugging you, you hug back.

"Oh my god, it's kou, do you mind if I get your autograph" Yuki pleads, kou nods and give her a piece of paper. Hah typical pre-signed paper.  "Hey Kian, hey zero, kaname " you say, zero hugs you. "Ahem " kou clears his throat. "Right, this is kou mukami " you say blankly.

"kou, this is Kian, kaname and my cousin zero " you say, while pointing to them. "Have you taken care of that ring " kaname asks, you groan. "I can't take it off " you yell, you literally can't, you even tried pliers. "And I got in trouble by reiji for having the damn thing " you add.

Yuki walks over to kaname. "Is it finally a thing, is there finally a kanaki " you ask determined. Yuki and kaname blush, then shake there heads. "Damn it, oh well I can wait a little longer " you say. Awkward silence. "Let's go on some rides " you say cheerfully.

You then feel kou grab your hand and pull you towards one. "Oi, let go " you growl, he ignores you. "She said let go " zero said, getting out his gun. "Zero no " you say, there are so many people around well get in trouble. Zero leaves his gun, but Yuki gets out Artemis.

"She said, let go, mr mukami " Yuki says, holding it up to his throat, the gentle crackling of electricity touches him. "Sorry " kou says, letting go of your hand. "I don't care, just don't drag me " you say, your voice full of annoyance. "Yuki, you can put it away now " you say, she nods and puts Artemis away.

"I can walk, I don't need help " you say, fixing up your dress. " Yuki, let's go on that ride " you say, she smiles and follows you.

Time skip, brought to you by, flower burgers, there delicious.

You and the others walk out of the gate. "Thanks for the fun day " you say, they all look at you. Yuki hugs you. "See ya' round " she says, you hug back. "Hurry up and date kaname " you whisper in her ear, she blushes and steps away. Zero then hugs you.

"Don't always use the gun " you say, hugging him back. "Don't go out with him " he whispers, your facial expression falls. "Wasn't planning on it " it answer. Kian then hugs you, and doesn't want to let go. "Hey what about the students, they need a headmaster you can't hug me forever " you say, trying to get out of his grip.

Kian then let's go of you. "See ya' " you say, not even bothering to give kaname a hug.

You and kou are halfway to the mansion, your really sleepy. You run your eyes. "You tired " kou asks, you nod, cause your an honest girl. "Get on " he says, bending down. You shake your head. "I can walk " you say, he groans and you feel
Yourself being lifted.

"Huh " you say, kou has picked you up bridal style. "Put me down " you yell, he smirks. "No, your gonna a pass out soon anyway " he says kindly. You groan and close your eyes, you snuggle against his chest, he's so warm. "I love you Y/N " he mumbles.

Did he just say that, he must've thought you were asleep. You snuggle even more into his chest, and the darkness soon takes over you.

The vampire that changed my life, a kou X reader. ( vampire knight crossover )Where stories live. Discover now