London's p.o.v
Bae sits next to me we don't say anything for a while we just watch as the boys put the game bags near the fire and then start cooking it others sharpen there knifes we have dinner and then pan comes out and says " this first song is for our guest " he starts playing his pipe while sitting on a long near the fire with felix by his side both their eyes burning right through my skull. " resist the urge London" Bae wishers to me I lean my head back and rub my cheek on my shoulder and but my head in my normal position I'm trying to resist the urge I look at bae his eyes looking into mine I pull him into a hug I suddenly don't hear the music anymore I don't dare turn around I just stare at baelfire and say " Bae is pan still playing the pipe" he looks over my shoulder just with his eyes so not to draw attention to himself he nods his head yes I turn back around and pan walks Over to us he bends down in front of me and plays is pipe some more is till can't hear it and then he takes is lips away and asks" how was that song London "
" I'm don't hear anything " I say blandly
" really. "
" I'm sorry I'm sure it was beautiful "
Bae gives a small smile and a sigh of relief
Pan turns from me to Bae he leans forward Bae doesn't dare move an inch " you set her up to this so I wouldn't know if she can or not this is your fault "
I lean forward and pull pan off him I pin him on the ground before turning back to Bae " LOOKOUT!!!!! " Bae screams I turn around to see Peter with a knife i am shoved out of the way. I hit my head on the tree root I get up dazed and see Bae with a knife sticking out of his right forearm. I rush over to him and push pan out of the way he gets up and smirks he stands next to felix he has the same stupid smirk I look over at Bae and I put my trembling hands near the knife,I touch it slightly and he winces" you dummy why did you do that" I say
" you'd do it for me " he says I pick his upper body up in my arms his head leans backwards
" no no no stay with me" I say as I prop up his nhead with my elbow I see blood on his lips then he blacks out.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I have to do it I have to pull the knife out I get ready to pull it out but I feel hands on my arms the pick me up and yank me off the ground there kinda half behind my back half by my side the pull me over to where Peter and felix is standing both with smirks on there faces " pan what are you doing I need to pull that knife out please pan please i need to heal him " I say with urgency while trying to get out of the boys grip I look up to see a boy who I think was called Tom I look around and see all the lost boys smirking or laughing at me including Tom. " well what if I don't feel like it " pan said to me " please I'll do anything anything just let me fix him"
" ok fine but when. The day comes you will repay me "
" fine fine "
" do I want this in writing " okay now he's just playing with me I decide to kick Tom where the sun don't shine and run over to baelfire I was about to pull the knife out when I feel someone pull on my arm I look around to see Peter barley 3 inches from my face " okay but there's one condition to the one we already had so u still owe me felix here is the best at tying knots so your ankle will. Be tied to the tree root while you work or I'll let him die " he says with a smirk
" WHATEVER " I scream
I was about turn around when he back handed me in the face i fall to the ground I grab my cheek that is burning up I feel tears forming in my eyes but I refuse to but Bae on hold so I let the, fall down and I get back to Bae. everyone heads to bed except Peter,felix,Tom,Brad,me and of course baelfire I can feel there eyes on me. Peter soon leaves for bed but he others stay felix pulls out my ankle from under me and ties rope around it then to the tree root , while he does this I pull the knife out of bes arm and rip of some of my cape I ripped of a whole circle so it's still even I grab some leafs and wipe the dirt of them I put them on the the wound and then tie the fabric around it. I get some water and give it to him then I lay down next to him and I start to drift of into sleepPeter pans p.o.v
She has changed. She seems different , she can't hear the music which means she still has hope. Hope that she can get of this island but let me just say Peter Pan never fails. That's why she you s now tired to the tree. After felix was done I watched her as she fixed balefire and lay down next to him , I think she is having trouble getting to sleep Maybe it's her ankle. I feel all weird inside like I feel sorry for her. Am I feeling guilty for her? No I can't be I feel bad when she gets hurt and jealous hen felix kissed her and when she lays with Bae am I no I can't be I am . I am getting feeling for London
Ok I know boring and I know I rushed into Peter falling in love with London but school is going back soon which means I won't have as much time to write so yeah and remember
Always be yourself cause an original is worth more than a copy

London bridge is falling down ( ouat fan fiction Peter Pan)
FanficLondon is all alone she knew her mother for a little bit but when she was killed she has no one ,as her father had not made an appearance in her life . London is in Neverland with her uncle but gets taken by pan when Henry comes to Neverland she vo...