The things we give for love

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It was the morning of the big game and Marco walked over to Fran.

Marco: hey baby
Fran: hi *kisses him* So how are you
Marco: I am great thanks to you and to show my appreciation I want to give you this bracelet *in media*.
Fran: *shocked but smiling widely* Oh Marco I love it, it's beautiful. *hugs him*

*over at Naty*

Naty was standing by her locker putting her books away. When she closed her locker she saw Maxi standing behind the locker door and she squealed.

Naty: Maxi you scared me.
Maxi : sorry I didn't mean to, I have something for you.
Naty: ooooh what is it.
Maxi: *handed her a rose* it's not much but it is simple and undeniably beautiful, a lot like you. And I had a lot of fun the other night on our date so will you be my girlfriend.
Naty: *thinks for a minute* you know I don't even know why I am pretending to think, YES!!! *takes the rose and hugs him and they kiss*
Maxi: phew! I don't know what i would have done if you had said no. *they both laugh*


Coach: good practice guys, match starts at 6:00 get here quickly 5:00. I will leave you to your captains. *walks off*
Diego: okay, look this is our chance to be what we've always known we could be. Winners. So let's bring it home. *they all clap and walk off. As Fede, Andres,Broduey and Diego walk off Leon stays behind and Diego pats on the shoulder before walking away*
Leon: Diego wait!
Diego: yeh
Leon: um Violetta knows.... About Marco and Francesca.
Diego: WHAT!! 
Leon: it just slipped out, she won't tell anyone she promised.
Diego: she better keep that promise, cos if Francesca finds out from someone who is not Marco, it is going to be bad.
Vilu: I won't tell*vilu walks over and Diego turns around* I swear
Diego: good. I should go hit the showers, bye guys.
L/V: bye.
Vilu: so, big game tonight.
Leon: the whole team is just overwhelmed.
Vilu: you will be great, I have seen you play it's like your flying.
Leon: yeh lets just hope cuts my wings.
Vilu: hey, remember I will be on the side lines cheering, I mean it is in my job description.
Leon: *chuckles and kisses her* I just look at you then.
Vilu: yeh *runs her hand through his hair* lunch?
Leon: yes please but I need to shower.
Vilu: ooooh I could use a shower.
Leon: really? *smirks as they walk off laughing*

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