Entry 9

181 11 22

Dear Friends, 

Hi :D 

Sorry it's been awhile, I've been really focused on my other stories if you couldn't tell. 

Ok, so here we go: 

Q: If you met your favorite book character every, who would it be and what would you say? If Harry Potter showed up on your doorstep would you let him in?

A: My favorite book character would have to be... Katniss Everdeen (from Hunger Games). I just admire her strength and persverance. I would say that she's inspired me in so many ways, and made me want to pursue some things that I probably wouldn't have without knowing her character. I'd also probably ask her to be my bff :)   To the second question; of course I would let Harry in! Anyone who wouldn't is crazy! But I would make him promise me he would introduce me to Draco :D


So here's my question for you lovely reader! 

Do you watch any youtubers? If so who? 

Please feel free to answer this question^ or any of thee above <3

Also I plan on updating this every week from now on, but I can only do that if people send me questions. So please put questions down in the comments, pm me, or send them to me on twitter and tumblr. 

Twitter: Emmalulu25

Tumblr: emmalulu2

Please send me questions I want to keep this going! Ok :D



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