fruits of hardwork

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Chapter two: fruits of hard work and obedience


Priya  wiped  off  the  sweat   that  trickled  down  to  the  tip  of   her  nose with  the  back  of  her hand. She paused digging her father’s small garden. putting  her  hands  akimbo  on  her  back,  she  slowly  bended  over  backwards   till she  had  a  familiar   popping sound.  She  sighed  satisfied  with  how  much  work   she  had  covered, and  also grateful  for  how  better  her  back  felt. Digging was no joke. But  after  so  many   years   of  it,  all she  needed  was a massage  from  her  mother  with  some  herbal ointment  applied  on  her  back, and  she  was  good  to   go.

Gazing  up  at  the  clear  sky,  she  wondered  why  the  sun was  high  up and  just  over  her  head  when  it  was time  to  dig  the garden  and  plant  some  new  seeds. It was one of the few means they got their   meals.  Her  mother  selling  at  their  small shop  and  her  father  working  at  the  textile  factory  till the wee   hours  of   the night. She  also  tried  to earn an  income  by  making small bags  and  pouches, baskets and  bracelets   for  her  brother  to  sell when  he  came from school.

A delicate  smile spread  across  her  face  at  the memory  of  her  father  teaching  her  how  to  sew  clothes. A  big  burly  man, holding a  needle  and  a  piece  of  material  always  softened  her  heart. Her  father  was  a proud   man,  but  poverty  makes  a  man  do  anything  to  support  his  family. She  noticed   how  he  would  look at  them  all sadly, when  he  thought  no  one  was watching.  She knew It  wounded  him   to  watch  his  daughter  and  wife  help  him to support  his  family. That  was  why  he  did  small things, but very  sentimental  and  intimate   to    Priya, to make  up  for his shortcomings.

Like last  year, he  took  them  to  Mumbai, and   sat  them  on  a  big  hill that  overlooked  the  town. Priya’s  breath  was  taken  away  by  the  beauty. The  lights all  over  the  city  illuminated  the grounds with different  colours!

They  all appreciated  their  father’s  efforts  and   they  tried  everything  to  lift  his  spirits  up.

But  some things  cannot be  helped.

Like  the  fact   that  as  soon  as  she  finishes high school,  she  was  going  to  get  married  to   the  man she  was  betrothed  to.  Not  that  she was  complaining! She  was  lucky enough  for   her  father  to   delay  the  marriage  till after  school! She  only  wanted  the   chance  to  use  her  education  to get  a   good  job   and  help her  father. Pay  for  her  brother’s  higher   education. Buy  for  her  parents’  a  decent  house.

All that  was  going  to  be  impossible   though.  Husbands  always  expect  their  wives  to   stay  at  home  and  raise  the  children.

But  she  was  a woman! A  woman  can  do  many  things  at  once. They  never  acknowledged  that  fact except  for  her  brother  and  father.  She  farmed, helped  with the house   chores,  made  bags  and  still managed  to  be  top  of  her  class!

It   was   too  bad  the  in-laws  expected  children  as  soon  as  possible.  So  many  things  she  could do….

Looking  at  the  bright  side of  the  engagement, the  young   man  she  was  going  to  marry  was one  she  fancied  for  a  long  time! Priya  blushed  as she  remembered  the   first time  they  talked  after   the  engagement,  he    told  her  he  never  thought  that  he   was lucky  enough  to  get  her  hand  in marriage.  And  she  thought  she  was  high  on  cloud  nine. Many  girls  sought  after  him since  he  was well known  for his  looks  and  shy  manners. She  never  understood  how  he  had  his  eyes  on  her   yet the  whole  female population was  after   his  love.  She  gave  herself  a  once  over. She was  tall around   five  seven. Her  long  black  hair  tied to  a  bun so as  to  not bother  her  during   working  hours. Her  clothes  were neat  but  worn  out.  She  opened her palms  and  she  thought  they were  the  most calloused hands   she’d   ever  seen. The  only  thing  that  she  thought  was  lovely about  herself  was  the  big round hazel  eyes she  got  from her  mother. People  always  felt  she could  see  through  their  soul.

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