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"i don't want to go home," niall mumbled, head against zayn's ribcage.  he'd been quiet for most of the time they'd been cuddling -- nearly an hour now.

"me neither," zayn responded, running his fingers through niall's hair. they'd been here with liam for nearly three months now, and zayn refused to admit that he was the happiest he'd ever been. every day seemed like he was falling in love with niall more, and liam had very quickly become someone he'd grown to love, too, but platonically.

it was weird, how everything had fallen into place without talking about it. liam and niall were in love, zayn and niall were in love, and zayn and liam were best friends. it had just happened, with no discussion, and everyone was happy.

"we could just stay," niall offered, walking his fingers up and down zayn's arm.

zayn was quiet. it was a nice idea, but they both knew that demeter would never go for it. 

"i wish we could," zayn finally responded. niall hummed quietly, and zayn pressed a few kisses to the blond's forehead, trying his best to cheer him up. "don't be grumpy, baby," zayn smiled, "we still have a few months here."

"why the long faces?" liam's voice called. he curled up against zayn's side after kissing niall quickly.

"we don't want to leave," niall stated, and liam nodded, quiet.

"i don't want you to go, either." liam's voice had gone sad. "there is one way..."

"what is it?" niall asked, lifting his head from zayn's side.

"there's this...thing." liam was hesitant to say it, worried they would freak out. "if you eat a pomegranate, i can make a deal with your mother, niall. you would have to stay."

zayn perked up, too. "forever?"

"yeah. she'll be furious, though."

"i don't care," niall said, "i want it."

"me, too," said zayn.

"you should really think about this." liam sounded worried. "i don't want to trap you two here forever unless you're really sure about it. i want you to stay, of course," he added quickly when they looked hurt, "i just want you to be sure. if you eat it, you can never go back."

"i don't want to go back." niall's voice was shy. "not when everything i love is here."

zayn nodded. "i know you're worried, li, but niall is right. everything we love is here." zayn was smiling, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "niall's been yours since you've met him, and wherever he goes, i go," zayn continued. "if you'll have us, we'll stay."

liam fought back a grin. "you're sure?"

"liam," niall giggled, crawling over zayn to plant a kiss on liam's lips. "yes, we're sure!"

"we're sure," zayn added, beaming, and liam leaned over to hug him and niall, squeezing them both against his body.

this had never happened to him before either. he didn't think he was capable of love, capable of putting someone else's needs before his own. and yet -- even if it hurt him, he would let them go if they wanted to. it was part of why he was hesitant -- he wanted to be sure this was what they wanted. he didn't want to trap them just for his happiness.

"okay," liam said finally, letting them go. he put a hand to both of their faces, watching their gazes soften as they stared at him. this was love. liam was so in love. "okay."

- - -

this is the end, loves. i honestly don't see this fic going anywhere else, sorry. i'll upload an epilogue in a few hours, and it'll be pretty long -- i already know what i want to happen. thanks for reading! xx 

the song of persephone ♡ ziall/niam au [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now