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Kurts pov

"Well, my son here has been through a lot and I just hope you're school is safe enough for him," I overhear my dad and the Headmaster of Dalton speaking.

 "Of course, we have a zero-tolerance policy for bullying," The headmaster reasons while pointing to a sign in his office. The sign was grey with bold words stating zero tolerance. There was also another sign in his office. It looked like an award for being a bully-free school. It's too good to be true. They walk up to me as I just stare towards the ground.

 "Mr.Hummel, this is Nick. He is a great student and will show Kurt around." I turn to see a guy who I assume is Nick in a blazer sticking out his hand to me. I nervously shake his hand hoping the boy didn't feel the sweat being produced from my skin. Well, he probably thinks I'm weird. I say goodbye to my dad hugging him as tightly as possible. I was going to miss seeing him every day. After the farewells, I follow Nick to the dorms.He tries to start a conversation with me while we walk. 

"Well anyways, you will love Dalton. You will be sharing a dorm with my best friend, Blaine. Don't let the hair gel fool you, he is very modest," He smirks, "And you are in most of my boyfriend, Jeff's, classes." I freeze and stand there in shock.

 "You're gay?" I blurt out stopping right in my tracks as I look Nick in the eyes questioning him. Nick's face goes cold and his smile curves into a  frown. 

"Yes, is that a problem?" He asks defensively. I immediately feel bad for asking like that. 

"No, not at all." I give a reassuring smile. I continue "does anyone give you a hard time because of it?" He bursts out laughing.

"No silly, Dalton is an accepting school. It's a judge-free school. You can be anything you want and no one will harass you for it." I smile reassuringly. After a while, we finally reach my dorm. 

"Well, Blaine is in French right now, so you will have the room to yourself to unpack. I will meet you back here noonish, so we can get lunch." He looks down at his leather watch. He notices that Blaine has a few of his items on my side of the room and quickly grabs them and toss the items on Blaine's bed. 

"Also sorry about that, Blaine is not the most organized person," Nick sighs a sarcastic sigh placing his head in his hand. "Anyways, I'll be here at noon, so be ready."

"Ok," I say as I walk into my dorm. I look around and see many Harry Potter and Disney movies. I hope this Blake, no Blaine kid isn't a freak. I giggle slightly to myself as I remember I'm Kurt Hummel, the biggest weirdo of them all. I suddenly feel emptiness as I realize I'm on my own without any of my friends from glee. I try to shake off the feeling but it's still heavy in my heart. I unpack my clothes and put my books and pictures on my desk. I look at the pictures. I have five. It's me and my dad having a tea party when I was five, dressed in stylish clothing from day one. The second one is of me and Rachel in New York smiles plastered on our faces in front of the Wicked stage. The third one is Me, Finn, and Puck on the football field with them holding me up for winning the game. The other two are the new direction gang on stage after winning the performances. I smile sadly as I put the pictures down and finish unpacking. 

After a while, I decide to take a break and snoop around Blaine's side of the room. Not in a creepy way but more as a get-to-know your roommate kind of way. He is not as messy as Nick said he was. Blaine kept his desk messy but organized at the same time. I wonder if it is easy for him to find his things in such clutter. His bed was pretty ordinary. Dark blue comforter with only two pillows on the queen-sized bed. He had a few shelves on his side of the room that looks hand built. A couple of photos are placed on the shelf with dust collecting on the top of them. Most of his pictures were of the Dalton people. He had no pictures of his family or of just himself. They were all group photos. I wonder what he looks like?

"Knock knock," I hear Nick say as he knocks on the door. I open the door and see him with another guy. Nick suddenly remembers that I haven't met him and introduces us. 

"Jeff, this is Kurt. Kurt, this is Jeff, my lovely boyfriend," Nick introduces as I send a friendly smile towards Jeff which he kindly returns.

"Oh, Nick shut it," Jeff slightly blushes, "he goes on and on. Don't be afraid to tell the talkative idiot when to shut his pipe." We all left out a chuckle and make our way towards the cafeteria. 

Nick told me to get anything I wanted and then meet him at the table. I grabbed an apple and a salad. Then I walked over to a round table with four people I haven't met yet.

"Is this Kurt?" A dark-skinned guy asked. I just nodded and took a seat by Nick and a taller guy. Nick went on to introduce us.

 "Ok, so the guy next to you is Sebastian. Then there is Blaine, Wes, David and Jeff, and me." I looked at all of them. Sebastian kept scooting closer to me. "Hey Kurtie, you got a boyfriend?" He whispered with a dull smirk. I shook my head no. He snickered "great". Not again, not another weirdo.

I looked at Blaine. He had hazel eyes that were so hard to look away from. His hair looked gelled back but you could still see some small curls peaking out. He smiled at me and I blushed and looked at Wes and David. Wes was Asian with a professional posture and a Ravenclaw vibe and David was dark-skinned with a dopey smile lighting up the air giving off Hufflepuff vibes. They all seemed really nice except for Sebastian who creeped me out a tad bit.

"Kurt?" I snapped out of my thoughts. I looked at Wes who was repeating himself. "I asked if you could sing." I shook my head very fast as I played with my salad. I haven't eaten anything. I wasn't planning on eating anyways because Karofsky always said I wasn't thin enough to be attractive. I started getting a flashback as I stood up trying to excuse myself from the table but tripped over myself and landed back on the ground.

"wow Kurtiepoo you have gained some weight," said the dark face, unrecognizable. There were multiple people standing around me, yelling and pointing at me with an evil smile and cursed eyes. "Fat!" one screamed. "Ugly," the other whispered. "He's a waste of space," a few more mentioned. "No one loves you!" the rest chant in unison.  

As I began to gain consciousness the last sentence repeated over and over again in my head. no one loves you. it was true. Who would love me? Tears form in my eyes as I cover my face with my hands.

Poor Kurtie. I know Blaine hasn't been in this much but "just you wait" it's coming.

sorry, Hamilton reference:)

Punch Karofsky in the face (whoops)

-Brooke xoxo

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