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Kurts pov

"Finn, get up! We are going to be late!" I yell grabbing a water bottle.

"Kurt, Kurt. Keep it down. Finn has been throwing up all night. You have to go to school by yourself today." My dad whispers, dressed in his mechanical uniform. My eyes go wide as the fear starts in my toes. It gives me shivers as it rushes up my body. I think to myself. Don't worry, just stay low, undercover, like a ninja!! I realize I'm going to be late if I don't leave soon.

"Bye, dad!" I yell running out the door. I get in Finn's car and drive it to school. I jam to music in the car.

When I arrive at school I go straight to my locker. I grab my books and binders for the day and rush along to my homeroom.

"Hey, Rach, I just need to talk to Mr. Schu really quick," I say to my best friend. "I'll be back in a jiffy!" I add on. She giggles.

"Don't say jiffy ever again," She says with a laugh.

"Jiffy!" I yell in the empty hall. I dash away and don't look back. I turn the corner only to be great by a large body. I land on the ground.

"Hello fag," says the not so friendly voice known as Karofsky. A smirk appears upon his face. I gather up my fear and push it aside. I stand up.

"Karofsky," I say and walk away. I hand grabs my shoulder and spins me around. Our faces are inches apart.

"You are so gay!" He yells as I get shoved into a nearby locker. I will not take this. I throw a punch which turns into a big mistake. He catches my hand and throws me on the ground. I get punched a few times.

"Don't mess with me, fairy," He says then walks away leaving me alone. The hallway starts to get darker.

"Kurt! Oh my god! Mr.Schu!" I hear Rachel yelling. She is speaking to me but I can't hear her. The world is too dizzy. Soon multiple hands help me up. I'm taken to Rachel's car. She drives me home and explains what happened to my dad, Carole, and Finn.

I go to my room and lay down. I call Blaine.


Hi Blaine, it's Kurt.

Ya I know it's you. I have your contact. 

Oh right haha. 

What's wrong Kurt you seem different. 

I just need someone to talk to. 

Okay, I'm always here for you. 

Can we meet up? 

Sure meet me at the park. 

Okay, Bye Blaine.

Bye Kurt. Be safe.

I hang up the phone and put some concealer over my forming bruises. I get my dad to drive me over to the park. It's the beginning of February and the cold breeze blows over my face. I'm glad I can wear my jacket to cover up my scars. I see Blaine on a nearby bench watching little children run around.

"Hey," I say not looking directly at Blaine. He is still wearing his blazer. I have to admit it is very dashing.

"Hey, kurtie." Blaine says enclosing me in a hug. I dig my face in his neck.

"I really miss you," I say as I pull away from the hug. I finally look at his face. He smiles at me. We sit on the bench.

"What are we, Blaine?" I ask. He looks at me confused.

"What do you want us to be?" He asks. I don't respond and I just look at the ground. I really like Blaine. He makes me smile when I'm about to cry. He always cares about me. When we touch, I get goosebumps. I get butterflies in my stomach when I catch him looking in my directions. My thoughts are swirling around like a hurricane. He is perfect.

"Friends," I say. "I want to be friends."


Hey guys! Sorry it's short and late. I've been super busy and stuff. Thanks for putting up with me! Please check out my other stories. A new one might come out.
Any suggestions?
I love you guys so much!!
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~Brooke xoxo❤️

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