Chapter 5 • Almost-Heads

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As Hermione walked down the bustling corridor behind Malfoy, she willed herself to calm down. Malfoy was a git, she hated him, it was a mutual feeling of disgust! Yet despite her reprimandings, she still felt the familiar tinglings of want crawling beneath her skin like so many insects. Her mind wandered to the many dreams she had had of her and Malfoy, alone... No. She must not think of those. But her mind still ventured, unbidden, to the feelings she had towards him. She looked fixedly ahead, trying to clear her mind, but she saw the back of his silver-blond head, making the thoughts rush in again....

She shook her head. Hadn't she told herself too many times already? No Malfoy. She was dating Ron. Ron, the boy she had loved since their second year. Not Malfoy, this silly crush of hers. Her mind was so fixed on her thoughts that she bumped into Malfoy's back as he stopped to knock on McGonagall's door.

Malfoy turned around. "Watch it," he sneered, but without his usual venom. "I don't want to have to wash my robes again so soon." He walked through the door, and Hermione heard Professor McGonagall's voice tell him to sit.

"Miss Granger?" Her voice called out. "Are you coming?"

Hermione started. "Oh! Yes, of course, Professor, I was just...thinking," she finished quite lamely, ducking her pink face as she shut the door. She sat down in the seat beside Malfoy, forcing herself not to glance his way as Professor McGonagall began talking.

"I have called you two to my office because, as is my duty as Deputy Headmistriss, I must make recommendations as to who will make a suitable Head Boy and Girl next year." She looked severely over the rim of her spectacles at them as she said this, looking from one to the other. "Through my observation, and the other Heads of Houses, we have decided that you two are the most likely candidates. To make sure of your ability, I have arranged a few tasks for the two of you to work together on over the next week to test your skills as you work together."

Hermione felt a flutter of panic in her stomach. She and Malfoy, work together, alone? She wasn't sure how she would cope. Next to her, she saw Malfoy don an expression akin to what she felt. She wondered why; he probably just didn't want to waste his time with a muggle-born.

Professor McGonagall clearly saw their reactions, because a knowing smile crept onto her thin lips. "I assure you that you'll have an...informative time, if not enjoyable. The first session will take place tomorrow evening at eight. I'll expect you both back at my office for instructions then." She looked away from Hermione and Malfoy to the parchment on her desk, clearly dismissing them. Taking their cue, the two rose and headed for the door.

Once in the empty corridor, Hermione walked towards the Gryffindor common room, trying to suppress the medley of excitement and dread floating through her mind. She would have Malfoy in a room all alone... She knew that could lead to one of two things--ridicule or lust. She wasn't sure which she would rather feel... Shaking her head, she climbed into the portrait-hole, dispelling her thoughts. She would worry about that tomorrow.

Harry and Ron were already waiting for her by the fire. "Hermione!" they hailed her. "What did McGonagall want?"

Hermione sat by them, sinking into her favorite armchair. "She said that Malfoy and I are the top options for Head Boy and Girl next year, so she's having us start sessions where we test compatability. I find it completely useless. What Gryffindor could possibly get along with that arrogant git?" She wrinkled her nose. "But I suppose I have to. The first session is tomorrow evening, but I'm not sure what we'll do." Hermione nervously twisted her wand around in her hands.

She noticed that Ron was looking straight ahead, unblinking. "Malfoy is top candidate for head boy?" He asked incredulously, turning his gaze to Hermione.

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