Season 2 Ep. 1/Episode 12

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(It starts with an a manor/castle in blazes. In first person view, it was shown down of a woman *a different kind* stabbed through the stomach by a hand. It’s a dream that Fujima had and he awoke from it with a loud gasp and is panting.  *They’re still in the same place from where the previous episode left off.* He gets up a bit and used one of his hands to touch where his headband is.)

Fujima: (exhaled) It happened again, didn’t it.

Silvia: Hmm?

Fujima: (noticed that Silvia and Martyana are looking at him.) Uh, never mind.

Silvia: (lets that slide for now.  To Martyana) What are we going to do now?

Martyana: I don’t know.  Stay put, I guess.

One of Fujima’s men: But we don’t know when they (*he means that woman and Rigger*) will come back.

Martyana: Hey. Shut your pie-hole. Be grateful we’re still alive.

(That did shut his mouth. Silvia is watching all that.. unaware that 2 vertical, parallel lines appeared on her upper-back glowing, then vanished after a few seconds. Later, things had calmed down for the time being.  After some resting, all, excluding Silvia who is still taking care of unconscious Senshi, got back to fixing up the village.  While Fujima and Martyana are working, they sometime take side-glace at Silvia and Senshi.  In Senshi’s dream, he’s laying in the same position with that phoenix.  While they’re relaxing, the wound on his arm starts hurting him.  He twinges in pain.  The phoenix made cooing noise and head movements on him to comfort him.  It worked. He used his unhurt hand to hold the phoenix’s head very close to his chest.  Outside, it shows Silvia having a O.O facial expression as she sat on her knees, stunned because they’re in a position where Senshi’s head is resting in front of one of her shoulders.)

Silvia: Uh…Senshi? (Senshi is still unresponsive.  Then Silvia saw a red falcon next to her with a small package covered in a large leaf in front of it.  The falcon was making gestures saying to rub it on Senshi’s arms, brings the small package closer to Silvia, then flies off.  Silvia watched it go then looks at the small package. She decided to open it and inside it is a green substance.  In her mind.) Medicine? (Then she looks at Senshi. She laid Senshi on his side, removes the bandage on his arm, and applies the medicine. At the same time, she saw Senshi’s eyebrows slant downward then back to normal. Lastly, she put a new bandage on his arm.  The same glow on Silvia’s back appeared and disappeared again.  Over at where the red falcon is, it flew to a person, but when it got close enough it transformed back to a red feather and is placed on his hat.  Then that person walks off the other way.  Over at where Silvia is, Fujima and Martyana came back. Martyana change back to her vampire form and had used her magic spell to put clothes on her.)

Martyana: (weakly) Silvia…I’m going to sleep…for a while.

(Martyana falls on Silvia, unconscious,)

Silvia: Martyana! (a bit louder) Martyana!!

(No response from Martyana.  Silvia got frown on her face. Silvia looks around her. Kana and the others are either resting or not able to do much because of their injuries. Then she hears a stomp sound coming from the other direction. It’s Rigger, and that made Silvia more frightened. Rigger takes a few steps towards her. Silvia’s instinct is telling her to run, but she can’t leave her friends.  Rigger holds one of his arms, preparing to fire a death beam at Silvia.  But right before he could fire, another blast hit Rigger on the side of the head. That surprised Silvia a little.  That attack came from a guy in a black cloak with a black Robin Hood-like hat with shiny rims.  On his <- arm, is a red falcon automatic cross-bow. That guy in the black cloak came towards him.  Half-way, the automatic cross-bow transformed into the red falcon Silvia saw before, flew in front of her, face Rigger, then…that red falcon transformed into a red-haired, sexy, human female with red and white wings.  Fujima and his injured men had a heart-shaped eye expression when they saw her.  Silvia looked at them when they did that. While that was happening, the guy in the black cloak is at the back side of Rigger. Rigger decided to dispose of the guy in the black cloak first by bringing out his massive long sword and swung it horizontally. The guy in the black cloack jumped. While he was in mid-air, Rigger quickly drew back his sword and replaced it with a large assault rifle and fires several shots at him.  The guy in the black cloak deflected all those by twirling his weapon in a wide spiral like; shielding himself from it.  Rigger did take the damage from the deflected bullets, but not enough to take him down. However, some of the other bullets were coming at the red haired woman. She quickly shielded herself by putting both of her wings together in front of her.)

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