
657 26 10

Hello, fellow human. Hope you're having a good day!

Okay, let's get serious. It's kind of hard to write this, because I don't want to come off like I think I'm some super popular wattpad person. Because I'm not. There are definitely people on this website who are (they're the people who have thousands of followers- you know who I'm talking about). I'm not one of them. I still get WAY too excited when I see someone has commented on LDYH or started following me.

But I've had people randomly message me links to their stories (with the best intentions I'm sure), and I feel like I just keep saying the same thing to them as far as advice goes. So I may as well just post this little book thing and save myself some trouble so that next time I can just send them the link to it.

Anyway, like I said in the description (is that what it's called?), I'm just going to include some little things I've figured out as I've worked on my stories and explored this website. Take my advice if you want, or not- it's up to you.

I hope this is helpful, and good luck!

-Holly Ruth

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